Danica Grujičić – pregled naučne produkcije

Dr Danica Grujičić rođena je 1959. godine u Užicu. Srednju školu završila je u Moskvi, gde je upisala Medicinski fakultet na Drugom moskovskom medicinskom institutu „N. I. Pirogov”. Školovanje je nastavila na Medicinskom fakultetu u Beogradu, gde je magistrirala 1987. godine, a zatim i doktorirala 1996. godine, piše u biografiji na arhiviranom sajtu Socijaldemokratkog saveza. Od 1984. godine je zaposlena na Institutu za neurohirurgiju Kliničkog centra Srbije, a od 2007. godine postaje načelnica Odeljenja za neuroonkologiju Klinike za neurohirurgiju Kliničkog centra Srbije.

Godine 2007. upisana je u registar sudskih veštaka, dok je 2011. godine njeno imenovanje potvrđeno i u Službenom glasniku. Septembra 2011. postala je potpredsednica Socijaldemokratskog saveza, a naredne godine je učestvovala u predsedničkim izborima i osvojila najmanji broj glasova od svih kandidata – 0,78%. Na parlamentarnim izborima 2022. podržala je koaliciju oko Srpske napredne stranke, gde je na listi kandidata za narodne poslanike bila prva.

U biografiji piše da je „za asistenta na Medicinskom fakuletetu u Beogradu izabrana 1992. godine, dok je zvanje docenta stekla 1998. godine, a za redovnog profesora na Medicinskom fakultetu u Beogradu, imenovana 2009. godine. Od 2001. do 2009. obavljala je dužnost Šefa katedre za postdiplomsku nastavu iz neurohirurgije i Šefa nastavne baze Institut za neurohirurgiju predmeta Hirurgije. Od 2004. godine koordinatorka je predmeta redovne nastave Osnovi kliničke prakse kao i zamenica šefa Katedre hirurgije za redovnu nastavu. Od 2005. godine rukovodi kursom iz neurohirurgije na akademskim doktoriskim studijama iz Kliničke i eksperimantalne hirurgije na Medicinskom fakultetu u Kragujevcu, Zdravstvenog centra u Užicu i Opšte bolnice u Zvorniku – Republika Srpska (BiH)”. Na sajtu Medicinskog fakulteta u Beogradu je naznačeno da je trenutno prodakanka za finansije. Dr Grujičić je imenovana za direktorku Instituta za onkologiju i radiologiju Srbije. Krajem 2020. godine je odlikovana ordenom Karađorđeve zvezde drugog stepena.

Na početku pandemije virusa korona iznela je pretpostavku da je pandemija „biološki rat i da će ovaj virus da ubija samo Kineze“.

Analiza naučne produkcije korona influensera koju je sproveo FakeNews Tragač pokazuje da Danica Grujičić u kategorizovanim časopisima ima 93 objavljena rada, od kojih sedam potpisuje kao prva autorka. Podaci iz tabele i sa spiska odnose se na period do kraja oktobra 2021. godine. Rad označen zvezdicom objavljen je u časopisu koji se nalazi na Bilovoj listi predatorskih časopisa.

Citati Kategorije
Clinical profile, treatment and outcome of pediatric brain tumors in Serbia in a 10-year period: A national referral institution experience 2021 Plos ONE 0 M21
Pediatric Bithalamic Anaplastic Astrocytoma Followed by Distant Progression to Glioblastoma in the Region of Corpus Callosum 2021 American Journal of Biomedical Science & Research 0 *
Peulic, M., Grujicic, D., Milicevic, M., Ilic, R., Jokovic, M., Petrovic, M., & Milosavljevic, A. Therapeutic Options and Prognostic Factors in Treatment of Anaplastic Gliomas. Serbian Journal of Experimental and Clinical Research. 0 M51
Doknic, M., Stojanovic, M., Soldatovic, I., Milenkovic, T., Zdravkovic, V., Jesic, M., … & Petakov, M. (2021). Mapping the journey of transition: a single-center study of 170 childhood-onset GH deficiency patients. Endocrine connections10(8), 935-946. 0 M22
Djurdjevic, S. P., Stojanovic, M., Gacic, E. M., Antic, D., Milojevic, T., Milicevic, M., … & Petakov, M. (2021, May). Nonpituitary neoplastic mass lesions of the sellar region: Hematologic malignancies–A 16-year single-centre experience. In Endocrine Abstracts (Vol. 73). Bioscientifica. 0 NA
Jokovic, M., Somma, T., Ilic, R., Guizzardi, G., Stanimirovic, A., Raicevic, S., … & Solari, D. (2021). Primary Spinal Glioblastoma Multiforme. Single Center Experience And Literature Review. Interdisciplinary Neurosurgery, 101109. 0 NA
Ivan, B., Rosanda, I., Mihajlo, M., Vuk, A., Filip, M., Aleksandar, M., … & Danica, G. (2020). Endodermal cyst of the cranio-cervical junction: A case report. Romanian Neurosurgery, 495-497. 0 NA
Ristić, A. J., Mindruta, I., Dimova, P., Kelemen, A., Grujičić, D., Ilić, R., … & Réti, C. (2020). Low‐grade epilepsy‐associated tumour management with or without presurgical evaluation: a multicentre, retrospective, observational study of postsurgical epilepsy outcome. Epileptic Disorders22(5), 555-562. 0 M23
Stepanović, A., Nikitović, M., Bogdanović, A., & Grujičić, D. (2020). Long-lasting Thrombocytopenia after Transient Pancytopenia Induced by Short-Term Concomitant Radiotherapy and Temozolomide. European Journal of Case Reports in Internal Medicine7(10). 1 M24
Tomasevic, Z., Tomasevic, Z., Grujicic, D., Nikitovic, M., & Milovanovic, Z. (2020). Incidence of non-breast cancer neoplasms (non-BCN) diagnosed prior and subsequent to breast cancer (BC): Single institution experience. Journal of Clinical Oncology 0 M21a
Žarko, N., Ivan, V., Branisalva, M., Svetlana, M. M., Mihailo, M., Rosanda, I., … & Danica, G. (2020). Puncture site bleeding complications in patients with Clopidogrel hyper-response: Three case reports. Romanian Neurosurgery, 58-65. 0 NA
Milicevic, M., Solari, D., Illic, R., Frio, F., Stanimirovic, A., Savic, D., … & Grujicic, D. (2020). The Impact of Intraoperative Monitoring on Extent of Resection and Long-Term Neurological Outcomes: A Series of 39 Intramedullary Ependimomas. Turkish neurosurgery30(2), 252-262. 0 M23
Mihajlo, M., Vuk, A., Rosanda, I., Vuk, S., Aleksandar, S., Aleksandra, P., … & Danica, G. (2019). Spontaneous cerebrospinal fluid rhinorrhea in a patient with Pallister–Hall syndrome. Romanian Neurosurgery, 305-309. 0 NA
Joković, M., Grujičić, D., Baščarević, V., Sokić, D., & Ristić, A. J. (2019). Thoracal arachnoiditis ossificans associated with multifocal motor neuropathy: a case report. British journal of neurosurgery, 1-3. 1 M23
Nastasović, T., Milaković, B., Stošić, M., Lazarević, I., Kaluđerović, M., & Grujičić, D. (2019). How to predict neurogenic pulmonary edema in aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage?: Neurogenic pulmonary edema in aneurysmal SAH. Serbian Journal of Anesthesia and Intensive Therapy41(5-6), 125-132. 0 M52
Petrović, M., Ilić, R., Milićević, M., Peulić, M., & Grujičić, D. (2019). The influence of endothelial hyperplasia on pseudoprogression development in patients with glioblastoma. Srpski arhiv za celokupno lekarstvo147(5-6), 311-315. 0 M23
Nastasovic, T., Milakovic, B., Stosic, M., Marinkovic, J. E., Ilic, R., Milicevic, M., … & Grujicic, D. (2019). Predictors of unfavorable outcome in aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage. Neurol Neurochir Pol. 3 M23
Stojsavljević, A., Borković-Mitić, S., Vujotić, L., Grujičić, D., Gavrović-Jankulović, M., & Manojlović, D. (2019). The human biomonitoring study in Serbia: background levels for arsenic, cadmium, lead, thorium and uranium in the whole blood of adult Serbian population. Ecotoxicology and environmental safety169, 402-409. 25 M21
Bokun, J., Grujicic, D., Skender-Gazibara, M., Paripovic, L., Pekmezovic, T., Kisic-Tepavcevic, D., … & Nikitovic, M. (2018). Management and treatment of children with medulloblas-toma in Serbia, a middle-income country. Chemotherapy3(37), 42-5. 0 M22
Katanić, D., Kolarović, J., Grujičić, D., Skender-Gazibara, M., Knežević-Pogančev, M., Koprivšek, K., … & Katanić, J. (2020). Brain histiocytosis with precocious puberty and growth hormone deficiency at early childhood: A case report. Vojnosanitetski pregled77(1), 92-96. 1 M23
Tomasevic, Z., Tomasevic, Z., Grujicic, D., Kovac, Z., Milovanovic, Z., Minic, I., & Kolarevic, D. (2017). Cerebellar metastases as the only brain metastatic site and correlation with molecular characteristics of primary breast cancer. Journal of Clinical Oncology 0 M21a
Illic, R., Somma, T., Savic, D., Frio, F., Milicevic, M., Solari, D., … & Grujicic, D. (2017). A survival analysis with identification of prognostic factors in a series of 110 patients with newly diagnosed glioblastoma before and after introduction of the stupp regimen: a single-center observational study. World neurosurgery104, 581-588. 12 M22
Nastasovic, T., Milakovic, B., Marinkovic, J. E., Grujicic, D., & Stosic, M. (2017). Could cardiac biomarkers predict neurogenic pulmonary edema in aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage?. Acta neurochirurgica159(4), 705-712. 16 M22
Stupp, R., Hegi, M. E., Gorlia, T., Erridge, S. C., Perry, J., Hong, Y. K., … & CENTRIC Study Team. (2014). Cilengitide combined with standard treatment for patients with newly diagnosed glioblastoma with methylated MGMT promoter (CENTRIC EORTC 26071-22072 study): a multicentre, randomised, open-label, phase 3 trial. The lancet oncology15(10), 1100-1108. 731 M21a
Stupp, R., Hegi, M. E., Gorlia, T., Erridge, S., Grujicic, D., Steinbach, J. P., … & European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC), the Canadian Brain Tumor Consortium, and the CENTRIC Study Team. (2013). Cilengitide combined with standard treatment for patients with newly diagnosed glioblastoma and methylated O6-methylguanine-DNA methyltransferase (MGMT) gene promoter: Key results of the multicenter, randomized, open-label, controlled, phase III CENTRIC study. Journal of Clinical Oncology 51 M21a
Peulić, M., Kovačević, V., Miletić-Kovačević, M., & Grujičić, D. (2017). To wait for a spontaneous recovery of the third cranial nerve palsy occurring after the coiling of a PComA aneurysm or to implement surgical treatment?: A case report. Vojnosanitetski pregled74(12), 1183-1188. 0 M23
Mihailović, J., Grujičić, D., Lavrnić, S., & Daković, M. (2019). The application of the local histograms of apparent difusion coefficient in differentiation of brain astrocytomas. Vojnosanitetski pregled76(4), 385-391. 0 M23
Nastasović, T., Milaković, B., Stošić, M., Kaluđerović, M., Petrović, O., Kalimanovska-Oštrić, D., & Grujičić, D. (2017). Stress-induced cardiomyopathy in aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage. Acta chirurgica Iugoslavica64(1), 69-71. 0 M51
Pantovic, A., Bosnjak, M., Arsikin, K., Kosic, M., Mandic, M., Ristic, B., … & Harhaji-Trajkovic, L. (2017). In vitro antiglioma action of indomethacin is mediated via AMP-activated protein kinase/mTOR complex 1 signalling pathway. The international journal of biochemistry & cell biology83, 84-96. 13 M21
Grujicic, D., Cavallo, L. M., Somma, T., Illic, R., Milicevic, M., Raicevic, S., … & Cappabianca, P. (2017). Intraventricular meningiomas: a series of 42 patients at a single institution and literature review. World neurosurgery97, 178-188. 27 M22
Nikitović, M., Grujičić, D., Gazibara, M. S., Stanić, D., Bokun, J., & Sarić, M. (2016). Intramedullary spinal cord germinoma: a case report and review of literature. World neurosurgery95, 392-398. 5 M22
Milovanovic, A., Grujicic, D., Bogosavljevic, V., Jokovic, M., Mujovic, N., & Markovic, I. P. (2017). Efficacy of early rehabilitation after surgical repair of acute aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage: outcomes after verticalization on days 2-5 versus day 12 post-bleeding. Turk Neurosurg27(6), 867-873. 6 M23
Nikitović, M., Stanić, D., Pekmezović, T., Gazibara, M. S., Bokun, J., Paripović, L., … & Mišković, I. (2016). Pediatric glioblastoma: a single institution experience. Child’s Nervous System32(1), 97-103. 29 M23
Tomasevic, Z. I., Tomasevic, Z. M., Kovac, Z., Milovanovic, Z., Grujicic, D., & Dzodic, R. Long-term Survival after Cerebellar Metastasis Resection from Her2 3+ Locally Advanced Breast Cancer. Journal-Long-term European Oncology & Haematology, 0 M24
Pisćević, I., Villa, A., Milićević, M., Ilić, R., Nikitović, M., Cavallo, L. M., & Grujičić, D. (2015). The influence of adjuvant radiotherapy in atypical and anaplastic meningiomas: a series of 88 patients in a single institution. World neurosurgery83(6), 987-995. 34 M22
Nabors, L. B., Fink, K. L., Mikkelsen, T., Grujicic, D., Tarnawski, R., Nam, D. H., … & Reardon, D. A. (2015). Two cilengitide regimens in combination with standard treatment for patients with newly diagnosed glioblastoma and unmethylated MGMT gene promoter: results of the open-label, controlled, randomized phase II CORE study. Neuro-oncology17(5), 708-717. 179 M21a
Mandić-Stojmenović, G., Pavlović, A. M., Skender-Gazibara, M., Grujičić, D., Radojičić, A., & Čovičković-Šternić, N. (2016). Leptomeningeal carcinomatosis can be presenting manifestation of breast carcinoma. Vojnosanitetski pregled73(3), 293-295. 5 M23
Paripovic, L. M., Bokun, J., Bekic, Z., Ilic, V., Slovic, M. P., Tufegdzic, I., … & Nikitovic, M. (2014). P05. 06 INTRACRANIAL GERMINOMA IN CHILDREN-SINGLE INSTITUTIONAL EXPERIENCE. Neuro-oncology16(suppl_2), ii44-ii44. 0 M21a
Mitrovic, M., Elezovic, I., Grujicic, D., Miljic, P., & Suvajdzic, N. (2015). Complex haemostatic abnormalities as a cause of bleeding after neurosurgery in a patient with Gaucher disease. Platelets26(3), 260-262. 2 M22
Peulić, M., Grujičić, D., Milićević, M., Nikolić, R., Veljković, M., Krstić, L., … & Kovačević, V. (2014). Filum terminale myxopapillary ependymoma: A case report. Medicinski časopis48(1), 44-47. 0 M52
Milenković, V., Lazović, B., Mirković, L., Grujičić, D., & Sparić, R. (2013). Brain metastases of choriocarcinoma: A report on two cases. Vojnosanitetski pregled70(10), 968-971. 6 M23
Nabors, L., Fink, K., Mikkelsen, T., Grujicic, D., Tarnawski, R., Nam, D., … & Reardon, D. (2013). A randomized phase II study investigating cilengitide added to standard chemoradiotherapy in patients with newly diagnosed glioblastoma with unmethylated O-6-methylguanine-DNA methyltransferase (MGMT) gene promoter: Initial report of the CORE study. European Journal of Cancer49, S17-S18. 5 M21
Savic, D., De Angelis, M., & Grujicic, D. (2014). The Clinic of Neurosurgery at the Clinical Center of Serbia in Belgrade—Building on the Past. World neurosurgery82(1-2), e15-e20. 0 M22
Nikitović, M., Bokun, J., Paripović, L., Golubiĉić, I., Grujiĉić, D., & Sopta, J. (2013). Bone metastases in medulloblastoma–single institution experience. Pediatric hematology and oncology30(2), 80-91. 7 M23
Grujičić, D. (2012). Očna duplja, anatomija i neurohirurški pristup (The Orbit: Anatomy and Neurosurgical Approaches). Acta Medica Academica41(2), 231. 0 M23
Samardzic, M., Rasulic, L. G., Grujicic, D. M., Bacetic, D. T., & Milicic, B. R. (2011). Nerve transfers using collateral branches of the brachial plexus as donors in patients with upper palsy—thirty years’ experience. Acta neurochirurgica153(10), 2009-2019. 20 M22
Gavrilovic, S., Lavrnic, S., Thurnher, M., Macvanski, M., Grujicic, D., & Stosic-Opincal, T. (2011). Proton MR spectroscopy and diffusion-weighted imaging of intracranial germ cell tumors: implications for differentiation from other lesions. European Journal of Radiology Extra79(2), e59-e64. 9 M24
Vasiljević-Vučković, V., Medenica, S. M., & Grujičić, D. (2011). Neurocysticercosis mimicking brain tumor. The neuroradiology journal24(3), 419-423. 2 M24
Nikitovic, M., Golubicic, I., Pekmezovic, T., Grujicic, D., & Plesinac-Karapandzic, V. (2011). Outcome of childhood brain tumors in Serbia. Journal of BU ON.: official journal of the Balkan Union of Oncology16(2), 290-296. 9 M23
Petrovic, N. S., Grujicic, D., Artiko, V. M., Sobic-Saranovic, D. P., Gajic, M. M., Jaksic, E., … & Obradovic, V. B. (2010). Investigation of blood perfusion and metabolic activity of brain tumours in adults by using 99mTc-methoxyisobutylisonitrile. Nuclear medicine communications31(11), 962-973. 15 M23
Tomasevic, Z., Milovanovic, Z., Tomasevic, Z. M., Skender, M., Pupic, G., Kovac, Z., & Grujicic, D. (2010). Comparison of hormone receptor and HER2 status in resected brain metastases and primary breast cancer. Journal of Clinical Oncology28(15_suppl), 1117-1117. 0 M21a
Redzic, Z. B., Malatiali, S. A., Grujicic, D., & Isakovic, A. J. (2010). Expression and functional activity of nucleoside transporters in human choroid plexus. Cerebrospinal fluid research7(1), 1-9. 20 NA
Antic, D., Verstovsek, S., Elezovic, I., Grujicic, D., Gotic, M., Bila, J., … & Jakovic, L. (2009). Spinal epidural granulocytic sarcoma in non-leukemic patient. International journal of hematology89(1), 95-97. 42 M23
Mavra, M., Drulovic, J., Levic, Z., Stojsavljevic, N., Grujicic, D., Janicijevic, M., & Thompson, E. J. (1999). Short communication CNS tumours: oligoclonal immunoglobulin D in cerebrospinal fluid and serum. Acta neurologica scandinavica100(2), 117-118. 7 M22
Pekmezovic, T., Golubicic, I., Grujicic, D., Tepavcevic, D. K., Jarebinski, M., Radosavljevic, A., … & Bogicevic, S. (2009). Incidence of primary central nervous system tumors among children in Belgrade (Serbia), 1991–2004. Pediatric hematology and oncology26(5), 332-337. 12 M23
Lavrnic, S., Stosic-Opincal, T., Gavrilovic, S., Grujicic, D., Peric, V., Gavrilov, M., … & Cvetkovic-Dozic, D. (2009). Intraventricular textiloma with granuloma formation following third ventricle colloid cyst resection–a case report. Central European Neurosurgery-Zentralblatt für Neurochirurgie70(02), 86-88. 13 M23
Stošić-Opinćal, T. L., Mačvanski, M. V., Gavrilović, S. S., Gavrilov, M. S., Damjanović, D. S., Vasić, B. D., & Grujičić, D. M. (2009). Diffusion and perfusion magnetic resonance imaging in evaluation of primary glial brain tumors. Acta chirurgica Iugoslavica56(4), 25-30. 1 M51
Nikitović, M. R., Golubičić, I. V., Borojević, N. D., Pekmezović, T. D., Grujičić, D. M., & Plešinac-Karapandžić, V. S. (2009). Pediatric brain tumors: Diagnostic and treatment. Acta chirurgica iugoslavica56(4), 19-24. 5 M51
GRUJIČIĆ, D., GOLUBIČIĆ, I., GLIGORIJEVIĆ, G., TOMAŠEVIĆ, Z., & BASČAREVIĆ, V. (2006). Treatment complications in patients with brain metastases. Archive of Oncology14(1), 67-70. 0 M24
GRUJIČIĆ, D., MIĆOVIĆ, M., & MILIĆEVIĆ, M. (2006). Surgical therapy for brain metastases. Archive of Oncology14(1), 47-9. 0 M24
Rakocevic-Stojanovic, V., Skender-Gazibara, M., Grujicic, D., Lavrnic, D., Dackovic, J., Vujic, A., & Apostolski, S. (2006). Tumor-like brain lesions in a patient with Hashimoto encephalopathy and hereditary motor and sensory neuropathy. ACTA MYOLOGICA25(1), 38. 1 M23
Samardzic, M. M., Grujicic, D. M., Rasulic, L. G., & Milicic, B. R. (2005). The use of thoracodorsal nerve transfer in restoration of irreparable C5 and C6 spinal nerve lesions. British journal of plastic surgery58(4), 541-546. 65 M22
Stošić-Opinćal, T., Gavrilov, M., Stošić, S., Lavrnić, S., Perić, V., & Grujičić, D. (2005). FLAIR MR sequence in the diagnosis and follow-up of low-grade astrocytomas. Vojnosanitetski pregled62(7-8), 525-528. 4 M23
Gotic, M., Cemerikic, V., Elezovic, I., Boskovic, D., Bila, J., Magic, Z., … & Catovsky, D. (2005). Successful treatment of extranodal Hodgkin’s lymphoma in a patient with longstanding hairy cell leukemia. Leukemia & lymphoma46(5), 765-769. 0 M22
Stosic-Opincal, T., Peric, V., Lilic, G., Gavrilovic, S., Milakovic, B., & Grujicic, D. (2005). Spine MRI Findings in a Patient With Tuberous Sclerosis: A Case Report—Part II. Spine30(8), 992-993. 4 M21
Stošić-Opinćal, T. L., Perić, V., Grujičić, D. M., Gavrilović, S., & Golubičić, I. V. (2004). The role of magnetic resonance imaging in the diagnosis of postoperative spondylodiscitis. Vojnosanitetski pregled61(5), 479-483. 9 M23
Jeremic, B., Milicic, B., Grujicic, D., Samardzic, M., Antunovic, V., Dagovic, A., & Aleksandrovic, J. (2004). Combined treatment modality for anaplastic oligodendroglioma and oligoastrocytoma: a 10-year update of a phase II study. International Journal of Radiation Oncology* Biology* Physics59(2), 509-514. 14 M21
Jeremic, B., Milicic, B., Grujicic, D., Dagovic, A., Aleksandrovic, J., & Nikolic, N. (2004). Clinical prognostic factors in patients with malignant glioma treated with combined modality approach. American journal of clinical oncology27(2), 195-204. 61 M23
Jeremic, B., Milicic, B., Grujicic, D., Samardzic, M., Antunovic, V., Dagovic, A., … & Stojanovic, M. (2003). Hyperfractionated radiation therapy for incompletely resected supratentorial low-grade glioma: a 10-year update of a phase II study. International Journal of Radiation Oncology* Biology* Physics57(2), 465-471. 20 M21
Jeremic, B., Milicic, B., Grujicic, D., Dagovic, A., & Aleksandrovic, J. (2003). Multivariate analysis of clinical prognostic factors in patients with glioblastoma multiforme treated with a combined modality approach. Journal of cancer research and clinical oncology129(8), 477-484. 73 M22
Samardzić, M., Grujicić, D., Rasulić, L., Bacetić, D., & Milicić, B. (2003). Nerve transfer in traction injuries of the brachial plexus. Vojnosanitetski pregled60(5), 539-546. 6 M23
Samardžić, M. M., Grujičić, D. M., Rasulić, L. G., Bacetić, D., & Miličić, B. (2003). Nerve transfer in brachial plexus traction injuries. Vojnosanitetski pregled60(5), 539-546. 0 M23
Samardzic, M., Grujicic, D., & Antunovic, V. (1992). Nerve transfer in brachial plexus traction injuries. Journal of neurosurgery76(2), 191-197. 120 M21
Grujičić, D. M., Samardžić, M. M., Rasulić, L. G., Savić, D. S., Cvrkota, I. S., & Simić, V. D. (2003). Nerve grafting in peripheral nerve injuries. Acta chirurgica Iugoslavica50(1), 47-54. 0 M51
Rasulić, L. G., Samardžić, M. M., Grujičić, D. M., & Baščarević, V. L. (2003). Nerve transfer in brachial plexus injuries: comparative analysis of surgical procedures. Acta chirurgica Iugoslavica50(1), 33-46. 3 M51
Samardzic, M., Grujicic, D., Rasulic, L., & Bacetic, D. (2002). Transfer of the medial pectoral nerve: myth or reality?. Neurosurgery50(6), 1277-1282. 108 M21a
Grujičić, D., Jeremić, B., & Samardžić, M. (2002). Contemporary management of low grade intracerebral gliomas. Archive of Oncology10(3), 185-186. 0 M24
Jeremic, B., Shibamoto, Y., Grujicic, D., Stojanovic, M., Milicic, B., Dagovic, A., & Aleksandrovic, J. (2001). Concurrent Accelerated Hyperfractionated Radiation Therapy and Carboplatin/etoposide in Patients With Malignant Glioma: Long-term break Results of A Phase II Study. Journal of neuro-oncology51(2), 133-141. 35 M21
Samard˘ zić, M., Rasulić, L., Gruji˘ cić, D., & Mili˘ cić, B. (2000). Results of nerve transfers to the musculocutaneous and axillary nerves. Neurosurgery46(1), 93-103. 137 M21a
Mavra, M., Drulovic, J., Levic, Z., Stojsavljevic, N., Grujicic, D., Janicijevic, M., & Thompson, E. J. (1999). Short communication CNS tumours: oligoclonal immunoglobulin D in cerebrospinal fluid and serum. Acta neurologica scandinavica100(2), 117-118. 7 M22
Jeremic, B., Shibamoto, Y., Grujicic, D., Milicic, B., Stojanovic, M., Nikolic, N., … & Aleksandrovic, J. (1999). Pre-irradiation carboplatin and etoposide and accelerated hyperfractionated radiation therapy in patients with high-grade astrocytomas: a phase II study. Radiotherapy and oncology51(1), 27-33. 33 M21a
Jeremic, B., Shibamoto, Y., Grujicic, D., Milicic, B., Stojanovic, M., Nikolic, N., … & Aleksandrovic, J. (1999). Short-course radiotherapy in elderly and frail patients with glioblastoma multiforme. A phase II study. Journal of neuro-oncology44(1), 85-90. 36 M21
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