Darija Kisić Tepavčević – pregled naučne produkcije

Rođena je 1975. godine u Sarajevu. Diplomirala je na Medicinskom fakultetu u Beogradu 2001. godine, a pet godina kasnije je na istom fakultetu završila i master studije epidemiologije. Četiri godine kasnije odbranila je doktorsku disertaciju na temu „Prediktivna vrednost kvaliteta života u proceni ishoda bolesti kod bolesnika sa multiplom sklerozom“ na Medicinskom fakultetu u Beogradu, gde je završila i subspecijalističku obuku u oblasti epidemiologije nezaraznih bolesti 2017. godine, piše Istinomer.

Februara 2002. godine izabrana je za asistenta pripravnika na predmetu Epidemiologija na Medicinskom fakultetu u Beogradu, a maja 2007. godine dobila je zvanje asistenta. U isto zvanje reizabrana je i 2010 godine. Trenutno je vanredna profesorka Medicinskog fakulteta u Beogradu. Od 2017. godine obavlja funkciju zamenice direktora Instituta za javno zdravlje „Dr Milan Jovanović Batut“. Članica je Vladinog Kriznog štaba za suzbijanje zarazne bolesti Kovid 19, a nakon izbora 2020. postala je Ministarka rada, zapošljavanja, boračkih i socijalnih pitanja. U maju 2020. godine Balkanska istraživačka mreža (BIRN) objavila je istraživanje o „poslovima porodice Kisić“ u kom je navedeno da su kompanije povezane sa bratom aktuelne ministarke rada dobile brojne ugovore sa javnim preduzećima i ministarstvima ukupne vrednosti 26,8 miliona evra.

Analiza naučne produkcije korona influensera koju je sproveo FakeNews Tragač pokazuje da Darija Kisić Tepavčević u kategorizovanim časopisima ima 114 objavljenih radova, od kojih 14 potpisuje kao prva autorka. Podaci iz tabele i sa spiska odnose se na period do kraja oktobra 2021. godine.

Citati Kategorija
Veljkovic, M., Loncarevic, G., Kanazir, M., Kisic-Tepavcevic, D., & Gazibara, T. (2021). Trend in mandatory immunisation coverage: linear and joinpoint regression approach, Serbia, 2000 to 2017. Eurosurveillance26(26), 2000417. 0 M21a
Trifunović, V., Bach Habersaat, K., Tepavčević, D. K., Jovanović, V., Kanazir, M., Lončarević, G., & Jackson, C. (2021). Understanding vaccination communication between health workers and parents: a Tailoring Immunization Programmes (TIP) qualitative study in Serbia. Human Vaccines & Immunotherapeutics, 1-8. 1 M22
Andrijic, M., Tepavcevic, D. K., Nikitovic, M., Miletic, N., & Pekmezovic, T. (2021). Prevalence of burnout among healthcare professionals at the Serbian National Cancer Center. International Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health94(4), 669-677. 0 M22
Gazibara, T., Milic, M., Parlic, M., Stevanovic, J., Mitic, N., Maric, G., … & Pekmezovic, T. (2021). What differs former, light and heavy smokers? Evidence from a post-conflict setting. African Health Sciences21(1), 112-22. 1 M23
Ilic, V., Nikitovic, M., Maric, G., Jovanovic, A., Paripovic, L., Bokun, J., … & Pekmezovic, T. (2020). Assessment of health-related quality of life among parents of children with solid tumors in Serbia. Supportive Care in Cancer28(11), 5109-5115. 3 M21a
Milic, M., Levine, H., Pekmezovic, T., Kisic-Tepavcevic, D., Maric, G., Popovic, A., … & Gazibara, T. (2020). Is exposure to indoor secondhand smoke associated with poor mental health? Results from non-conflict and post-conflict setting. Psychology, Health & Medicine, 1-14. 0 M22
Gazibara, T., Dotlic, J., Donev, D., Jeremic Stojkovic, V., & Kisic-Tepavcevic, D. (2020). Towards a Framework for Research Ethics Education for Physicians in Serbia. Science and engineering ethics26(3), 1249-1266. 0 M21a
Drulovic, J., Kisic-Tepavcevic, D., & Pekmezovic, T. (2020). Epidemiology, diagnosis and management of sexual dysfunction in multiple sclerosis. Acta Neurologica Belgica, 1-7. 11 M23
Milic, M., Gazibara, T., Pekmezovic, T., Kisic Tepavcevic, D., Maric, G., Popovic, A., … & Levine, H. (2020). Tobacco smoking and health-related quality of life among university students: Mediating effect of depression. PloS one15(1), e0227042. 23 M21
Drulovic, J., Ivanovic, J., Mesaros, S., Martinovic, V., Kisic-Tepavcevic, D., Dujmovic, I., & Pekmezovic, T. (2019). Long-term disability outcomes in relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis: a 10-year follow-up study. Neurological Sciences40(8), 1627-1636. 6 M22
Gazibara, T., Kovacevic, N., Kisic-Tepavcevic, D., Nurkovic, S., Kurtagic, I., Gazibara, T., & Pekmezovic, T. (2019). Flu vaccination among older persons: study of knowledge and practices. Journal of Health, Population and Nutrition38(1), 1-9. 15 M22
Gazibara, T., Wiltshire-Fletcher, M., Maric, G., Kozic, D., Kisic-Tepavcevic, D., & Pekmezovic, T. (2019). Self-confidence and clinical skills: the case of students who study medicine in English in a non-English speaking setting. Irish Journal of Medical Science (1971-)188(3), 1057-1066. 0 M23
Gazibara, T., Milic, M., Parlic, M., Stevanovic, J., Lazic, D., Maric, G., … & Pekmezovic, T. (2018). Illict drug use and academia in North Kosovo: Prevalence, patterns, predictors and health-related quality of life. PloS one13(7), e0199921. 9 M21
Bokun, J., Grujicic, D., Skender-Gazibara, M., Paripovic, L., Pekmezovic, T., Kisic-Tepavcevic, D., … & Nikitovic, M. (2018). Management and treatment of children with medulloblas-toma in Serbia, a middle-income country. Chemotherapy3(37), 42-5. 0 M22
Mimic, A., Bantel, C., Jovicic, J., Mimic, B., Kisic-Tepavcevic, D., Durutovic, O., & Ladjevic, N. (2018). Psychological factors as predictors of early postoperative pain after open nephrectomy. Journal of pain research11, 955. 21 M22
Marić, G., Birčanin, Đ., Kisić, V., Dotlić, J., Zarić, M., Kisić-Tepavčević, D., & Gazibara, T. (2018). Parental perspective on human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination in Serbia: Knowledge, attitudes and practice. Sexual & reproductive healthcare16, 192-198. 9 M22
Maksimovic, N., Zaric, M., Gazibara, T., Trajkovic, G., Maric, G., Miljus, D., … & Pekmezovic, T. (2018). Incidence and mortality patterns of acute myeloid leukemia in Belgrade, Serbia (1999–2013). Medicina54(1), 5. 10 M22
Bojovic, O., Medenica, M., Zivkovic, D., Rakocevic, B., Trajkovic, G., Kisic-Tepavcevic, D., & Grgurevic, A. (2018). Factors associated with patient and health system delays in diagnosis and treatment of tuberculosis in Montenegro, 2015–2016. PloS one13(3), e0193997. 32 M21
Tepavčević, D. K., Kanazir, M., Marić, G., Zarić, M., Lončarević, G., Gazibara, T., … & Pekmezović, T. (2020). Hepatitis B-related awareness among health care workers in Belgrade, Serbia. Vojnosanitetski pregled77(5). 0 M23
Gazibara, T., Tepavcevic, D. K., Svetel, M., Tomic, A., Stankovic, I., Kostic, V. S., & Pekmezovic, T. (2019). Change in fear of falling in Parkinson’s disease: a two-year prospective cohort study. International psychogeriatrics31(1), 13-20. 9 M21
Drulović, J., Gavrilović, A., Crnošija, L., Kisić-Tepavčević, D., Krbot Skorić, M., Ivanović, J., … & Habek, M. (2017). Validation and cross-cultural adaptation of the COMPASS-31 in Croatian and Serbian patients with multiple sclerosis. Croatian medical journal58(5), 342-348. 16 M22
Gazibara, T., Tepavcevic, D. K., Svetel, M., Tomic, A., Stankovic, I., Kostic, V. S., & Pekmezovic, T. (2017). Near-falls in people with Parkinson’s disease: circumstances, contributing factors and association with falling. Clinical neurology and neurosurgery161, 51-55. 28 M22
Gazibara, T., Kisic-Tepavcevic, D., Svetel, M., Tomic, A., Stankovic, I., Kostic, V., & Pekmezovic, T. (2017). Dynamics of change in self-reported disability among persons with Parkinson’s disease after 2 years of follow-up. Neurological Sciences38(8), 1415-1421. 4 M22
Kisic-Tepavcevic, D., Kanazir, M., Gazibara, T., Maric, G., Makismovic, N., Loncarevic, G., & Pekmezovic, T. (2017). Predictors of hepatitis B vaccination status in healthcare workers in Belgrade, Serbia, December 2015. Eurosurveillance22(16), 30515. 24 M21a
Tepavcevic, B., Radak, D., Jovanovic, M., Radak, S., & Tepavcevic, D. K. (2017). Vascular Age as a Predictor of Side Effects After Facial Lipofilling. Aesthetic plastic surgery41(3), 729-737. 0 M23
Gazibara, T., Prpic, M., Maric, G., Pekmezovic, T., & Kisic-Tepavcevic, D. (2017). Medical cannabis in Serbia: The survey of knowledge and attitudes in an urban adult population. Journal of psychoactive drugs49(3), 217-224. 6 M22
Raketic, D., V Barisic, J., M Svetozarevic, S., Gazibara, T., Kisic Tepavcevic, D., & D Milovanovic, S. (2017). Five-factor model personality profiles: the differences between alcohol and opiate addiction among females. Psychiatria Danubina29(1), 74-80. 20 M23
Gazibara, T., Kurtagic, I., Kisic‐Tepavcevic, D., Nurkovic, S., Kovacevic, N., Gazibara, T., & Pekmezovic, T. (2017). Falls, risk factors and fear of falling among persons older than 65 years of age. Psychogeriatrics17(4), 215-223. 133 M23
Darija, K. T., Tatjana, P., Goran, T., Nebojsa, S., Irena, D., Sarlota, M., & Jelena, D. (2015). Sexual dysfunction in multiple sclerosis: A 6-year follow-up study. Journal of the neurological sciences358(1-2), 317-323. 54 M22
Tepavcevic, D. K., Pekmezovic, T., Basuroski, I. D., Mesaros, S., & Drulovic, J. (2017). Bladder dysfunction in multiple sclerosis: a 6-year follow-up study. Acta Neurologica Belgica117(1), 83-90. 19 M23
Škodrić, A., Marić, G., Jovanović, D., Beslać-Bumbaširević, L., Kisić-Tepavčević, D., & Pekmezović, T. (2019). Assessment of nursing care-associated predictors of in-hospital mortality in the patients with acute ischemic stroke. Vojnosanitetski pregled76(4), 373-378. 0 M23
Gazibara, T., Pekmezović, T., Popović, A., Paunić, M., & Kisić-Tepavčević, D. (2018). Chronic diseases among university students: prevalence, patterns and impact on health-related quality of life. Vojnosanitetski pregled75(12), 1178-1184. 0 M23
Drulovic, J., Cukic, M., Grgic, S., Dincic, E., Raicevic, R., Nadj, C., … & Pekmezovic, T. (2017). The impact of betaplus program on patient treatment satisfaction with interferon beta-1b in multiple sclerosis: Multicentric cross-sectional survey in the western Balkan countries. Multiple sclerosis and related disorders11, 56-61. 2 M21
Mihajlovic, S., Vasiljevic, M., Jurisic, A., Kisic-Tepavcevic, D., Dimitrijevic, D., & Nejkovic, L. (2016). Predictive value of transvaginal ultrasound score for detection of endometrial malignancy. Clinical and experimental obstetrics & gynecology43(5), 698. 2 M23
Maric, G., Dusanovic, M., Kostic, A., Pekmezovic, T., & Tepavcevic, D. K. (2016). In response: The challenges of blood pressure assessment in schoolchildren. Blood pressure monitoring21(5), 317-318. 0 M23
Stankovic, V., Nikitovic, M., Pekmezovic, T., Pekmezovic, D., Kisic Tepavcevic, D., & Stefanovic Djuric, A. (2016). Toxicity of the lower gastrointestinal tract and its predictive factors after 72Gy conventionally fractionated 3D conformal radiotherapy of localized prostate cancer. J. BUON21(5), 1224-123 10 M23
Vucic, L., Glisic, B., Kisic-Tepavcevic, D., Vucic, U., Drulovic, J., & Pekmezovic, T. (2016). Cross-cultural adaptation and validation of the disease specific questionnaire OQLQ in Serbian patients with malocclusions. Slovenian Journal of Public Health55(3), 166. 13 M23
Tepavcevic, B., Radak, D., Jovanovic, M., Radak, S., & Tepavcevic, D. K. (2016). The impact of facial lipofilling on patient-perceived improvement in facial appearance and quality of life. Facial Plastic Surgery32(03), 296-303. 7 M23
Stankovic, V., Džamic, Z., Pekmezovic, T., Tepavcevic, D. K., Dozic, M., Saric, M., … & Nikitovic, M. (2016). Acute and late genitourinary toxicity after 72 Gy of conventionally fractionated conformal radiotherapy for localised prostate cancer: impact of individual and clinical parameters. Clinical Oncology28(9), 577-586. 23 M22
Nedeljkovic, U., Dackovic, J., Tepavcevic, D. K., Basuroski, I. D., Mesaros, S., Pekmezovic, T., & Drulovic, J. (2016). Multidisciplinary rehabilitation and steroids in the management of multiple sclerosis relapses: a randomized controlled trial. Archives of medical science: AMS12(2), 380. 15 M21
Gazibara, T., Kisic-Tepavcevic, D., Svetel, M., Tomic, A., Stankovic, I., Kostic, V. S., & Pekmezovic, T. (2016). Indoor and outdoor falls in persons with Parkinson’s disease after 1 year follow-up study: differences and consequences. Neurological sciences37(4), 597-602. 16  


Maric, G. D., Dusanovic, M. G., Kostic, A. V., Pekmezovic, T. D., & Kisic-Tepavcevic, D. B. (2016). Prevalence of hypertension in a sample of schoolchildren in the Belgrade district. Blood pressure monitoring21(3), 155-159. 5 M23
Gazibara, T., Tepavcevic, D. K., Svetel, M., Tomic, A., Stankovic, I., Kostic, V. S., & Pekmezovic, T. (2016). Recurrent falls in Parkinson’s disease after one year of follow-up: a nested case-control study. Archives of gerontology and geriatrics65, 17-24. 14 M23
Rodic, S. Z., Knezevic, T. I., Kisic-Tepavcevic, D. B., Dackovic, J. R., Dujmovic, I., Pekmezovic, T. D., … & Konstantinovic, L. M. (2016). Validation of the serbian version of multiple sclerosis spasticity scale 88 (MSSS-88). PLoS One11(1), e0147042. 13 M21
Gazibara, T., Kisic‐Tepavcevic, D., Svetel, M., Tomic, A., Stankovic, I., Kostic, V. S., & Pekmezovic, T. (2016). Health‐related quality of life as a predictor of recurrent falling in Parkinson’s disease: 1‐year follow‐up study. Psychogeriatrics16(6), 362-367. 5 M23
Popović, D. Đ., Kisić-Tepavčević, D., Kovačević, N., Milovanović, T., Krstić, M., Ranković, I., … & Pekmezović, T. (2018). Quality of life in patients with chronic liver disease. Vojnosanitetski pregled75(5), 453-460. 1 M23
Blagojevic, Z., Nikolic, V., Kisic-Tepavcevic, D., Terzic Supic, Z., Kovacevic, R., Zivkovic, Z., & Stevanovic, D. (2016). Musculoskeletal pain and vitamin D deficiency in children: a pilot follow-up study of vitamin D therapy in musculoskeletal/orthopedic conditions. Acta Chir Orthop Traumatol Cech83(1), 21-6. 9 M23
Djordjevic, D., Vukovic, I., Milenkovic Petronic, D., Radovanovic, G., Seferovic, J., Micic, S., & Kisic Tepavcevic, D. (2015). Erectile dysfunction as a predictor of advanced vascular age. Andrology3(6), 1125-1131. 10 M21
Pekmezovic, T., Medic, S., Kisic-Tepavcevic, D., Pavlovic, A., & Beslac-Bumbasirevic, L. J. (2015). Functional outcome after first ever ischemic stroke: one-year cohort study. Journal of the Neurological Sciences357, e207. 0 M22
Gazibara, T., Marusic, V., Maric, G., Zaric, M., Vujcic, I., Kisic-Tepavcevic, D., … & Grgurevic, A. (2015). Introducing e-learning in epidemiology course for undergraduate medical students at the faculty of medicine, University of Belgrade: A pilot study. Journal of medical systems39(10), 1-7. 15 M21
Trisovic, M., Kontic, O., Babovic, I., Plecas, D., & Tepavcevic, D. K. (2021). The influence of obesity on abdominal cesarean section delivery. Clinical and experimental obstetrics & gynecology42(4), 498-500. 2 M23
Darija, K. T., Tatjana, P., Goran, T., Nebojsa, S., Irena, D., Sarlota, M., & Jelena, D. (2015). Sexual dysfunction in multiple sclerosis: A 6-year follow-up study. Journal of the neurological sciences358(1-2), 317-323. 54 M22
Gazibara, T., Nurković, S., Marić, G., Kurtagić, I., Kovačević, N., Kisić-Tepavčević, D., & Pekmezović, T. (2015). Ready to work or not quite? Self-perception of practical skills among medical students from Serbia ahead of graduation. Croatian medical journal56(4), 375-382. 11 M22
Gazibara, T., Kovacevic, N., Maric, G., Kurtagic, I., Nurkovic, S., Kisic-Tepavcevic, D., & Pekmezovic, T. (2015). Factors associated with positive attitude towards blood donation among medical students. Transfusion and Apheresis Science53(3), 381-385 37 M23
Gazibara, T., Radovanovic, S., Maric, G., Rancic, B., Kisic-Tepavcevic, D., & Pekmezovic, T. (2015). Stethoscope hygiene: practice and attitude of medical students. Medical Principles and Practice24(6), 509-514. 11 M22
Matejić, B., Milenović, M., Kisić Tepavčević, D., Simić, D., Pekmezović, T., & Worley, J. A. (2015). Psychometric properties of the Serbian version of the Maslach Burnout Inventory-Human Services Survey: A validation study among anesthesiologists from Belgrade teaching hospitals. The Scientific World Journal2015. 34 M21
Drulovic, J., Basic-Kes, V., Grgic, S., Vojinovic, S., Dincic, E., Toncev, G., … & Pekmezovic, T. (2015). The prevalence of pain in adults with multiple sclerosis: a multicenter cross-sectional survey. Pain medicine16(8), 1597-1602 50 M21
Maric, D., Jovanovic, D., Nagorni-Obradovic, L., Stjepanovic, M., Kisic-Tepavcevic, D., & Pekmezovic, T. (2016). Assessment of health-related quality of life in end-stage chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and non-small-cell lung cancer patients in Serbia. Palliative & supportive care14(1), 60-68 10 M21
Popović, D. D., Ćulafić, D. M., Tepavčević, D. B. K., Kovačević, N. V., Špuran, M. M., Djuranović, S. P., … & Pekmezović, T. D. (2015). Assessment of depression and anxiety in patients with chronic liver disease. Vojnosanitetski pregled72(5). 27 M23
Gazibara, T., Pekmezovic, T., Kisic-Tepavcevic, D., Svetel, M., Tomic, A., Stankovic, I., & Kostic, V. S. (2015). Incidence and prediction of falls in Parkinson’s disease: a prospective cohort study. European journal of epidemiology30(4), 349-352. 15 M21a
Gazibara, T., Pekmezovic, T., Tepavcevic, D. K., Svetel, M., Tomic, A., Stankovic, I., & Kostic, V. S. (2015). Health-related quality of life in patients with Parkinson’s disease: Implications for falling. Parkinsonism & related disorders21(6), 573-576. 10 M21
Gazibara, T., Kurtagic, I., Kisic-Tepavcevic, D., Nurkovic, S., Kovacevic, N., Gazibara, T., & Pekmezovic, T. (2015). Computer and online health information literacy among Belgrade citizens aged 66–89 years. Health promotion international31(2), 335-343. 17 M21
Sarajlija, A., Kisic-Tepavcevic, D., Nikolic, Z., Pavicevic, D. S., Obradovic, S., Djuric, M., & Pekmezovic, T. (2015). Epidemiology of Rett syndrome in Serbia: prevalence, incidence and survival. Neuroepidemiology44(1), 1-5. 15 M21
Matejić, B., Milenović, M., Kisić Tepavčević, D., Simić, D., Pekmezović, T., & Worley, J. A. (2015). Psychometric properties of the Serbian version of the Maslach Burnout Inventory-Human Services Survey: A validation study among anesthesiologists from Belgrade teaching hospitals. The Scientific World Journal2015. 34 M21
Gazibara, T., Kovacevic, N., Nurkovic, S., Kurtagic, I., Maric, G., Kisic-Tepavcevic, D., & Pekmezovic, T. (2015). To be or not to be an organ donor: differences in attitudes between freshmen and senior medical students. Cell and tissue banking16(3), 457-465. 4 M23
Gazibara, T., Nikolovski, J., Lakic, A., Pekmezovic, T., & Kisic-Tepavcevic, D. (2014). Parental knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors towards children with epilepsy in Belgrade (Serbia). Epilepsy & Behavior41, 210-216. 36 M22
Gazibara, T., Rancic, B., Maric, G., Radovanovic, S., Kisic-Tepavcevic, D., & Pekmezovic, T. (2015). Medical students, do you know how to measure blood pressure correctly?. Blood pressure monitoring20(1), 27-31. 23 M23
Gazibara, T., Pekmezovic, T., Tepavcevic, D. K., Tomic, A., Stankovic, I., Kostic, V. S., & Svetel, M. (2014). Circumstances of falls and fall-related injuries among patients with Parkinson’s disease in an outpatient setting. Geriatric nursing35(5), 364-369. 45 M22
Gazibara, T., Pekmezovic, T., Kisic Tepavcevic, D., Tomic, A., Stankovic, I., Kostic, V. S., & Svetel, M. (2015). Fall frequency and risk factors in patients with P arkinson’s disease in B elgrade, S erbia: A cross‐sectional study. Geriatrics & gerontology international15(4), 472-480. 26 M22
Drulovic, J., Kostic, J., Mesaros, S., Basuroski, I. D., Stojsavljevic, N., Kisic-Tepavcevic, D., & Pekmezovic, T. (2013). Interferon-beta and disability progression in relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis. Clinical neurology and neurosurgery115, S65-S69. 26 M22
Gazibara, T., Filipović, A., Kesić, V., Kisić-Tepavčević, D., & Pekmezović, T. (2013). Risk factors for epithelial ovarian cancer in the female population of Belgrade, Serbia: a case-control study. Vojnosanitetski pregled70(12), 1097-1102. 11 M23
Sarajlija, A., Djuric, M., Tepavcevic, D. K., Grkovic, S., & Djordjevic, M. (2013). Vitamin D deficiency in Serbian patients with Rett syndrome. The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism98(12), E1972-E1978. 10 M21a
Tepavcevic, D. K., Pekmezovic, T., Stojsavljevic, N., Kostic, J., Basuroski, I. D., Mesaros, S., & Drulovic, J. (2014). Change in quality of life and predictors of change among patients with multiple sclerosis: a prospective cohort study. Quality of Life Research23(3), 1027-1037. 30 M21
Gazibara, T., Nurkovic, S., Kisic-Tepavcevic, D., Kurtagic, I., Kovacevic, N., Gazibara, T., & Pekmezovic, T. (2013). Pharmacotherapy and over-the-counter drug use among elderly in Belgrade, Serbia. Geriatric Nursing34(6), 486-490. 25 M22
Gazibara, T., Tepavcevic, D. B. K., Popovic, A., & Pekmezovic, T. (2013). Eating habits and body-weights of students of the University of Belgrade, Serbia: A cross-sectional study. Journal of health, population, and nutrition31(3), 330. 55 M22
Sarajlija, A., Đurić, M., & Kisić-Tepavčević, D. (2013). Health-related quality of life and depression in Rett syndrome caregivers. Vojnosanitetski pregled70(9), 842-847. 23 M23
Popovic, D. D., Kovacevic, N. V., Tepavcevic, D. B. K., Trajkovic, G. Z., Alempijevic, T. M., Spuran, M. M., … & Pekmezovic, T. D. (2013). Validation of the chronic liver disease questionnaire in Serbian patients. World journal of gastroenterology: WJG19(30), 4950. 26 M22
Gazibara, T., Trajkovic, G., Kovacevic, N., Kurtagic, I., Nurkovic, S., Kisic-Tepavcevic, D., & Pekmezovic, T. (2013). Oral contraceptives usage patterns: study of knowledge, attitudes and experience in Belgrade female medical students. Archives of gynecology and obstetrics288(5), 1165-1170. 4 M23
Gazibara, T., Stankovic, I., Tomic, A., Svetel, M., Tepavcevic, D. K., Kostic, V. S., & Pekmezovic, T. (2013). Validation and cross-cultural adaptation of the Self-Assessment Disability Scale in patients with Parkinson’s disease in Serbia. Journal of neurology260(8), 1970-1977. 10 M21
Gazibara, T., Trajkovic, G., Kurtagic, I., Kovacevic, N., Nurkovic, S., Kisic-Tepavcevic, D., & Pekmezovic, T. (2013). What do male medical students know about the pill? study of knowledge and attitudes at the University of Belgrade. Gynecologic and obstetric investigation75(4), 224-229. 2 M23
Tepavcevic, D. K., Pekmezovic, T., Stojsavljevic, N., Kostic, J., Basuroski, I. D., Mesaros, S., & Drulovic, J. (2013). Predictive value of health-related quality of life in progression of disability and depression in persons with multiple sclerosis: a 3-year study. Acta Neurologica Belgica113(4), 403-409. 18 M23
Kisic-Tepavcevic, D., Gazibara, T., Popovic, A., Trajkovic, G., & Pekmezovic, T. (2013). The impact of alcohol on health-related quality of life in Belgrade University students. The American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse39(2), 130-135. 16 M22
Gazibara, T., Stankovic, I., Tomic, A., Svetel, M., Tepavcevic, D. K., Kostic, V. S., & Pekmezovic, T. (2013). Validation and cross‐cultural adaptation of the Falls Efficacy Scale in patients with Parkinson’s disease in S erbia. Geriatrics & gerontology international13(4), 936-941. 18 M22
Medic, S., Beslac-Bumbasirevic, L., Kisic-Tepavcevic, D., & Pekmezovic, T. (2013). Short-term and long-term stroke survival: the Belgrade prognostic study. Journal of Clinical Neurology9(1), 14-20. 38 M22
Stevanovic, D., Tadic, I., Novakovic, T., Kisic-Tepavcevic, D., & Ravens-Sieberer, U. (2013). Evaluating the Serbian version of the KIDSCREEN quality-of-life questionnaires: reliability, validity, and agreement between children’s and parents’ ratings. Quality of life research22(7), 1729-1737. 36 M21
Drulovic, J., Bursac, L. O., Milojkovic, D., Tepavcevic, D. K., Gazibara, T., & Pekmezovic, T. (2013). MSQoL-54 predicts change in fatigue after inpatient rehabilitation for people with multiple sclerosis. Disability and rehabilitation35(5), 362-366. 23 M21
Basta, I. Z., Pekmezović, T. D., Perić, S. Z., Kisić-Tepavčević, D. B., Rakočević-Stojanović, V. M., Stević, Z. D., & Lavrnić, D. V. (2012). Assessment of health-related quality of life in patients with myasthenia gravis in Belgrade (Serbia). Neurological Sciences33(6), 1375-1381. 50 M23
Gazibara, T., Kisic-Tepavcevic, D., Dotlic, J., Matejic, B., Grgurevic, A., & Pekmezovic, T. (2013). Patterns of infant mortality from 1993 to 2007 in Belgrade (Serbia). Maternal and child health journal17(4), 624-631. 4 M21
Tepavcevic, D. K., Matejic, B., Gazibara, T., & Pekmezovic, T. (2011). Trends and patterns of ovarian cancer mortality in Belgrade, Serbia: a joinpoint regression analysis. International Journal of Gynecologic Cancer21(6). 7 M22
Mladenovic, J., Rasic, V. M., Markovic, M. K., Romac, S., Todorovic, S., Stojanovic, V. R., … & Pekmezovic, T. (2011). Epidemiology of Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease in the population of Belgrade, Serbia. Neuroepidemiology36(3), 177-182. 14 M21
Milosevic, V., Zivkovic, M., Djuric, S., Vasic, V., Tepavcevic, D. K., Bumbasirevic, L. B., & Pekmezovic, T. (2011). Hospitalizations due to spontaneous intracerebral hemorrhage in the region of Nis (Serbia): 11-year time-series analysis. Clinical neurology and neurosurgery113(7), 552-555. 11 M22
Kanazir, M., Boricic, I., Delic, D., Tepavcevic, D. K., Knezevic, A., Jovanovic, T., & Pekmezovic, T. (2010). Risk factors for hepatocellular carcinoma: a case-control study in Belgrade (Serbia). Tumori Journal96(6), 911-917. 42 M23
Pekmezovic, T., Popovic, A., Tepavcevic, D. K., Gazibara, T., & Paunic, M. (2011). Factors associated with health-related quality of life among Belgrade University students. Quality of life research20(3), 391-397. 187 M21
Kisić-Tepavčević, D., Šterić, M., Kisić, V., Popović, A., & Pekmezović, T. (2010). Knowledge, attitudes and behavior of adolescents about reproductive health at Belgrade territory. Srpski arhiv za celokupno lekarstvo138(3-4), 214-218. 6 M23
Kisić Tepavčević, D., Svetel, M., Pekmezović, T., Petrović, I., & Kostić, V. S. (2009). Craniocervical Dystonia Questionnaire (CDQ-24): validation and cross-cultural adaptation in Serbian patients. Collegium antropologicum33(4), 1185-1189. 9 M22
Stevanovic, D., Tepavcevic, D. K., Jocic-Jakubi, B., Jovanovic, M., Pekmezovic, T., Lakic, A., & Ronen, G. M. (2009). Health-Related Quality of Life Measure for Children with Epilepsy (CHEQOL-25): preliminary data for the Serbian version. Epilepsy & Behavior16(4), 599-602. 14 M22
Kisić-Tepavčević, D., Pekmezović, T., & Drulović, J. (2009). Quality of life assessment in patients with multiple sclerosis. Vojnosanitetski pregled66(8), 645-650. 24 M23
Pekmezovic, T., Golubicic, I., Grujicic, D., Tepavcevic, D. K., Jarebinski, M., Radosavljevic, A., … & Bogicevic, S. (2009). Incidence of primary central nervous system tumors among children in Belgrade (Serbia), 1991–2004. Pediatric hematology and oncology26(5), 332-337. 12 M23
Pekmezovic, T. D., Tepavcevic, D. B. K., Mesaros, S. T., Basuroski, I. B. D., Stojsavljevic, N. S., & Drulovic, J. S. (2012). Food and dietary patterns and multiple sclerosis: a case-control study in Belgrade (Serbia). Italian Journal of Public Health6(1). 23 M23
Pekmezovic, T., Gavrilovic, O., Tepavcevic, D. K., & Golubicic, I. (2009). Health‐Related Quality of Life in Women with Breast Cancer in Belgrade (Serbia). The breast journal15(1), 112-115. 0 M22
Pekmezovic, T., Svetel, M., Ivanovic, N., Dragasevic, N., Petrovic, I., Tepavcevic, D. K., & Kostic, V. S. (2009). Quality of life in patients with focal dystonia. Clinical neurology and neurosurgery111(2), 161-164. 135 M22
Kisić-Tepavčević, D., Jovanović, N., Kisić, V., Nalić, D., Repčić, M., Popović, A., & Pekmezović, T. (2008). The prevalence of childhood obesity in a sample of schoolchildren in Belgrade. Srpski arhiv za celokupno lekarstvo136(11-12), 621-624. 10 M23
Tepavcevic, D. K., Kostic, J., Basuroski, I. D., Stojsavljevic, N., Pekmezovic, T., & Drulovic, J. (2008). The impact of sexual dysfunction on the quality of life measured by MSQoL-54 in patients with multiple sclerosis. Multiple Sclerosis Journal14(8), 1131-1136. 156 M21
Pekmezovic, T., Tepavcevic, D. K., Jarebinski, M., Kostic, M., & Bumbasirevic, L. (2008). Trends in mortality from different subtypes of stroke in the population of Belgrade (Serbia). Clinical neurology and neurosurgery110(1), 51-57. 20 M22
Pekmezovic, T., Tepavcevic, D. K., Kostic, J., & Drulovic, J. (2007). Validation and cross-cultural adaptation of the disease-specific questionnaire MSQOL-54 in Serbian multiple sclerosis patients sample. Quality of Life Research16(8), 1383-1387. 69 M21
Gledovic, Z., Grgurevic, A., Pekmezovic, T., Pantelic, S., & Kisic, D. (2007). Risk factors for esophageal cancer in Serbia. Indian journal of gastroenterology: official journal of the Indian Society of Gastroenterology26(6), 265-268. 10 M23
Pekmezovic, T., Tepavcevic, D. K., Jarebinski, M., Kostic, M., & Bumbasirevic, L. (2007). Stroke mortality in Belgrade, Serbia: age, period, and cohort analyses. Cerebrovascular Diseases24(2-3), 191-195. 13 M21
Pekmezovic, T., Vukovic, N. S., Kisic, D., Grgurevic, A., Bogdanovic, A., Gotic, M., … & Brkic, N. (2006). A case-control study of myelodysplastic syndromes in Belgrade (Serbia Montenegro). Annals of hematology85(8), 514-519. 25 M22
Pekmezovic, T., Drulovic, J., Milenkovic, M., Jarebinski, M., Stojsavljevic, N., Mesaros, S., … & Kostic, J. (2006). Lifestyle factors and multiple sclerosis: a case-control study in Belgrade. Neuroepidemiology27(4), 212-216. 100 M21
Šipetić, S. B., Tomić-Kundaković, S., Vlajinac, H. D., Maksimović, N., Knežević, A., & Kisić, D. (2005). Epidemiological characteristics of gastric cancer. Medicinski pregled58(5-6), 265-270. 3 M51
Pantović, V. R., Jarebinski, M. S., Pekmezović, T. D., Knežević, A., & Kisić, D. (2004). Mortality from endometrial cancer in female population of Belgrade. Vojnosanitetski pregled61(3), 267-272. 0 M23


Pekmezovic, T., Kisic, D., Knezevic, A., Kanazir, M., & Jarebinski, M. (2003). 1047 Cohort analysis of prostate cancer mortality in the male population of Belgrade. EJC Supplements5(1), S312. 0 M22
Pekmezović, T., Jarebinski, M., Kisić, D., Pavlović, M., Nikitović, M., Knezević, A., & Vujković, B. (2003). Mortality in primary malignant brain tumors in the population of Belgrade. Vojnosanitetski pregled60(5), 565-568. 0 M23
Pekmezović, T. D., Jarebinski, M. S., Kisić, D., Pavlović, M., Nikitović, M. R., Knežević, A., & Vujković, B. M. (2003). Primary malignant brain tumor-related mortality in the Belgrade population. Vojnosanitetski pregled60(5), 565-568. 0 M23
