Radan Stojanović – pregled naučne produkcije

Na sajtu Medicinskog fakulteta u Beogradu piše da je dr Radan Stojanović redovni profesor na katedri Farmakologija, klinička farmakologija i toksikologija. U intervjuu za Newsmax Adria je izjavio da je član Komisije za klinička ispitivanja lekovа u Srbiji.

Analiza naučne produkcije korona influensera koju je sproveo FakeNews Tragač pokazuje da Radan Stojanović u kategorizovanim časopisima ima 47 objavljenih radova, od kojih sedam potpisuje kao prvi autor. Podaci iz tabele i sa spiska odnose se na period do kraja oktobra 2021. godine.

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Todorović, Z., Džoljić, E., Novaković, I., Mirković, D., Stojanović, R., Nešić, Z., … & Kostić, V. (2006). Homocysteine serum levels and MTHFR C677T genotype in patients with Parkinson’s disease, with and without levodopa therapy. Journal of the neurological sciences248(1-2), 56-61. 24 M22
Todorović, Z., Džoljić, E., Novaković, I., Mirković, D., Stojanović, R., Nešić, Z., … & Kostić, V. (2006). Homocysteine serum levels and MTHFR C677T genotype in patients with Parkinson’s disease, with and without levodopa therapy. Journal of the neurological sciences248(1-2), 56-61. 68 M22
Prostran, M., Vujović, K. S., Vučković, S., Medić, B., Srebro, D., Divac, N., … & Cerovac, N. (2016). Pharmacotherapy of pain in the older population: the place of opioids. Frontiers in aging neuroscience8, 144. 31 M21
Medić, B., Stojanović, M., Stimec, B. V., Divac, N., Vujović, K. S., Stojanović, R., … & Prostran, M. (2020). Lithium-pharmacological and toxicological aspects: The current state of the art. Current medicinal chemistry27(3), 337-351. 16 M21
Todorovic, Z., Medic, B., Basta-Jovanovic, G., Radojevic Skodric, S., Stojanovic, R., Rovcanin, B., & Prostran, M. (2014). Acute pretreatment with chloroquine attenuates renal I/R injury in rats. PLoS One9(3), e92673. 29 M21
Divac, N., Stojanović, R., Savić Vujović, K., Medić, B., Damjanović, A., & Prostran, M. (2016). The efficacy and safety of antipsychotic medications in the treatment of psychosis in patients with Parkinson’s disease. Behavioural neurology2016. 32 M23
Potpara, T. S., Polovina, M. M., Licina, M. M., Stojanovic, R. M., Prostran, M. S., & Lip, G. Y. (2012). Novel oral anticoagulants for stroke prevention in atrial fibrillation: focus on apixaban. Advances in therapy29(6), 491-507. 42 M22
Lasica, R. M., Perunicic, J., Mrdovic, I., Tesic, B. V., Stojanovic, R., Milic, N., … & Vasiljevic, Z. (2006). Temporal variations at the onset of spontaneous acute aortic dissection. International heart journal47(4), 585-595. 33 M23
Nesic, Z., Todorovic, Z., Stojanovic, R., Basta-Jovanovic, G., Radojevic-Skodric, S., Velickovic, R., … & Prostran, M. (2006). Single-dose intravenous simvastatin treatment attenuates renal injury in an experimental model of ischemia-reperfusion in the rat. Journal of pharmacological sciences102(4), 413-417. 41 M22
Todorovic, Z., Nesic, Z., Stojanovic, R., Basta-Jovanovic, G., Radojevic-Skodric, S., Velickovic, R., … & Prostran, M. (2008). Acute protective effects of simvastatin in the rat model of renal ischemia-reperfusion injury: it is never too late for the pretreatment. Journal of pharmacological sciences107(4), 465-470. 37 M22
Vujović, K. S., Vučković, S., Vasović, D., Medić, B., Stojanović, R., Divac, N., … & Prostran, M. (2019). Involvement of serotonergic and opioidergic systems in the antinociceptive effect of ketamine-magnesium sulphate combination in formalin test in rats. Pharmacological Reports71(6), 1014-1019. 3 M22
Medić, B., Divac, N., Stopić, B., Savić-Vujović, K., Glišić, A., Cerovac, N., … & Prostran, M. (2016). The attitudes of medical students towards rare diseases: a cross-sectional study. Vojnosanitetski pregled73(8), 703-713. 11 M23
Kalaba, M., Kosutic, J., Godman, B., Radonjic, V., Vujic, A., Jankovic, S., … & Prostran, M. (2018). Experience with developing antibiotic stewardship programs in Serbia: potential model for other Balkan countries?. Journal of comparative effectiveness research7(3), 247-258. 9 M22
Divac, N., Todorović, Z., Stojanović, R., Nešić, Z., Jašović-Gašić, M., Lečić-Toševski, D., … & Prostran, M. (2009). Utilization of psychiatric drugs in Serbia. Vojnosanitetski pregled66(3), 233-237. 14 M23
Vuckovic, S., Prostran, M., Ivanovic, M., Ristovic, Z., & Stojanovic, R. (2000). Antinociceptive activity of the novel fentanyl analogue iso-carfentanil in rats. The Japanese Journal of Pharmacology84(2), 188-195. 19 M22
Divac, N., Veljković, S., Nešić, Z., Stojanović, R., Bajčetić, M., Vasiljević, Z., … & Samardžić, R. (2006). Pattern of utilization of benzodiazepines in patients with hypertension: a pilot study. Vojnosanitetski pregled63(4), 370-375. 11 M23
Stojanović, R., Todorović, Z., Nešić, Z., Vućković, S., Cerovac-ćosić, N., & Prostran, M. (2004). NG-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester-induced potentiaton of the effect of aminophylline on rat diaphragm: the role of extracellular calcium. Journal of pharmacological sciences96(4), 493-498. 14 M22
Stojanovic, R., Todorovic, Z., Vuckovic, S., Nesic, Z., & Prostran, M. (2003). NG-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester potentiates the effect of aminophylline on the isolated rat hemidiaphragm. Journal of pharmacological sciences92(2), 157-162. 13 M22
Vujović, K. S., Vučković, S., Stojanović, R., Divac, N., Medić, B., Vujović, A., … & Prostran, M. (2021). Interactions Between Ketamine and Magnesium for the Treatment of Pain: Current State of the Art. CNS & Neurological Disorders-Drug Targets (Formerly Current Drug Targets-CNS & Neurological Disorders). 0 M22
Stojanović, R., Todorović, Z., Vucković, S., Nesić, Z., & Prostran, M. (2003). Nitric oxide and lung diseases. Medicinski pregled56, 13-17. 6 M51
Nešić, Z. I., Delić, D., Prostran, M. Š., Stojanović, R. M., Vučković, S. M., & Todorović, Z. M. (2004). Psychiatric adverse effects induced by recombinant interferon alfa in patients with chronic hepatitis C. Medicinski pregled57(5-6), 219-226. 9 M51
Lasica, R., Peruničić, J., Mrdović, I. B., Stojanović, R., & Vasiljević, Z. (2005). High-dose streptokinase in the treatment of acute massive pulmonary embolism complicated with cardiogenic shock, respiratory arrest and ventricular fibrillation. Vojnosanitetski pregled62(7-8), 581-585. 5 M23
Todorovic, Z., Stojanovic, R., Nesic, Z., Divac, N., Vojvodic, N., Cerovac-Cosic, N., & Prostran, M. (2006). Type of electrical stimulation influences diaphragm response to adrenoceptor and calcium channel modulators: the role of extracellular and intracellular calcium events. Journal of pharmacological sciences102(3), 347-353. 7 M22
Medić, B., Todorović, Z., Savić Vujović, K., Stojanović, R., & Prostran, M. (2013). Oboljeli od rijetkih bolesti kao vulnerabilni ispitanici u kliničkim studijama. Jahr: Europski časopis za bioetiku4(2), 715-724. 3 M24
Brkić, B. M., Stopić, B., Vujović, K. S., Divac, N., Vučković, S., Stojanović, R., … & Prostran, M. (2020). Pharmacotherapy of Rare Diseases in Serbia: The Current State of Art. Rare Diseases. 0 NA
Stojanović, R. M., Prostran, M. Š., Todorović, Z. M., Vučković, S. M., Nešić, Z. I., & Milovanović, S. R. (2004). Azot-monoksid i kontraktilnost skeletnog mišića. Vojnosanitetski pregled61(3), 299-304. 3 M23
Stojanovic, R., Todorovic, Z., Nesic, Z., Vuckovic, S., & Prostran, M. (2005). Aminophylline pretreatment modulates the nitric oxide system of the isolated rat diaphragm: the role of frequency of the electrical stimulation. Journal of pharmacological sciences99(1), 109-112. 2 M22
Dimitrijević, A., Stojanović, R., Bogićević, D., Mitić, V., & Nikolić, D. M. (2021). Influence of sodium valproate treatment on body mass and insulin resistance parameters in children with epilepsy. Srpski arhiv za celokupno lekarstvo, (00), 84-84. 0 M23
Cerovac, N., Terzić, M., Borković, M., Divac, N., Stojanović, R., & Prostran, M. (2016). Prenatal diagnosis of lissencephaly: A case report. Vojnosanitetski pregled73(1), 77-82. 1 M23
Džoljić, E., Nešić, Z. I., Stojanović, R. M., Divac, N., Todorović, Z., Vučković, S. M., … & Prostran, M. Š. (2005). Azotni oksid, neurodegeneracija i Parkinsonova bolest. Vojnosanitetski pregled62(10), 751-756. 1 M23
Stojanović, R. M., Vasiljević, Z., Prostran, M. Š., Radovanović, M., Stefanović, B., Radovanović, N., … & Stojanov, M. (2005). The influence of antibiotics and statins on inflammation in coronary disease. Vojnosanitetski pregled62(9), 661-670. 1 M23
Vucković, S., Prostran, M., Vucetić, C., Dulić, B., Todorović, Z., Nesić, Z., & Stojanović, R. (2003). Antibiotic resistance. Medicinski pregled56, 43-46. 1 M51
Ilić-Mostić, T., Popović, N., Sparić, R., Vrzić-Petronijević, S., Mostić, D., & Stojanović, R. (2014). Epidural and intrathecal drugs application for pain relief and labor analgesia. Serbian Journal of Anesthesia and Intensive Therapy36(5-6), 355-360. 0 M52
Damjanović, A., Damjanović, A., Stojanović, R., & Prostran, M. (2013). Kliničko terapijske specifičnosti shizofrenije s prodromima i ranim početkom-model rizičnog mentalnog stanja i shizofrene vulnerabilnosti. Jahr–European Journal of Bioethics4(2), 747-758. 0 M24
Vučković, S. M., Savić-Vujović, K., Srebro, D., Ivanović, M., Došen-Mićović, L., Stojanović, R., & Prostran, M. (2012). 3-alkyl fentanyl analogues: Structure-activity-relationship study. Engrami34(3), 15-26. 0 M51
Prostran, M., Samardžić, R., Vučković, S., Stojanović, R., & Nešić, Z. (2001). Alzheimer’s disease: New drugs. Engrami23(1-2), 5-15. 0 M51
Vučković, S. M., Prostran, M., Ivanović, M., Todorović, Z. B., Stojanović, R., Nešić, Z., & Matić, I. (2001). Opioid analgesics: Structure-activity study of the fentanyl analogues. Engrami23(3-4), 31-49. 0 M51
Vučetić, Č. S., Dulić, B. V., Vučković, S. M., Prostran, M. Š., Todorović, Z. M., Nešić, Z. I., & Stojanović, R. M. (2003). Antibiotics in the prevention of the surgical site infection in orthopedic surgery. Acta chirurgica Iugoslavica50(4), 123-128. 0 M51
Džoljić, E., Nešić, Z., Stojanović, R., Vučković, S., Todorović, Z., & Prostran, M. (2006). Effects of new nitric oxide synthase inhibitors on spontaneous locomotor activity. Medicinski pregled59(9-10), 436-441. 0 M51
Divac, N., Damjanovic, A., Stojanovic, R., Vujovic, K. S., Letunica, B., & Prostran, M. (2016). Antipsychotic polypharmacy at the clinic of psychiatry, clinical centre of Serbia. European Psychiatry33(S1), S538-S539. 0 M21
Todorovic, Z., Stojanovic, R., Nesic, Z., DIVAC, N., VOJVODIC, N., CEROVAC-COSIC, N., & PROSTRAN, M. (2006). Pharmacologic analysis of drug-receptor interaction Pharmacologic analysis of drug-receptor interaction, 1997. Journal of pharmacological sciences102(3), 347-353. 0 M22
Vuckovic, S., Prostran, M., Ivanovic, M., RISTOVIC, Z., STOJANOVIC, R., VAN NIMMEN, N. F., … & VEULEMANS, H. A. (1996). 薬物動態= Xenobiotic metabolism and disposition 15 (6), 495-503, 2000-12-01. Clin. Pharmacokinet31, 275. 0 M21a
Todorovic, Z., Prostran, M., Vuckovic, S., & Stojanovic, R. (2002). EFFECTS OF L-ARGININE IN HAEMORRHAGIG SHOCK OF ANAESTHETIZED RABBITS: ARE THOSE EFFECTS STEREOSPECIFIC?. Cardiovascular Drugs and Therapy16. 0 M21
Vuckovic, S., Prostran, M., Ivanovic, M., RISTOVIC, Z., STOJANOVIC, R., Saso, L., … & VILLAR, A. (2000). Manual of Pharmacologic Calculations with Computer Programs Manual of Pharmacologic Calculations with Computer Programs, 1986. The Japanese journal of pharmacology84(2), 188-195. 0 M22
Stefanović, B. D., Špica, V., Grebenarović, D. Ž., & Stojanović, R. (2010). Novine u patofiziologiji, dijagnostici i terapiji abdominalne sepse. Materia medica26(2), 53-59. 0 M53
Stojanović, R., Prostran, M., Todorović, Z., Vucković, S., Nesić, Z., & Milovanović, S. (2004). Nitric-oxide and skeletal muscle contraction. Vojnosanitetski pregled61(3), 299-304. 0 M23
Vučković, S. M., Prostran, M. Š., Ivanović, M., Todorović, Z. B., Stojanović, R. M., & Nešić, Z. I. (2002). Analgesic and hyperthermic effects of 3-carbomethoxy fentanyl and 3-butyl fentanyl in rats: Structure-activity relationship. Arhiv za farmaciju52(4), 626-627. 0 M52
