Citati |
Kategorije |
Jovanović, T., Janković, M., & Knežević, A. (2021). Emerging variants of novel coronavirus-myth and reality. Srpski arhiv za celokupno lekarstvo, 149(3-4), 242-246. |
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Božić, L., Jovanović, T., Šmitran, A., Janković, M., & Knežević, A. (2020). Comparison of HPV detection rate in formalin‐fixed paraffin‐embedded tissues of head and neck carcinoma using two DNA extraction kits and three amplification methods. European Journal of Oral Sciences, 128(6), 501-507. |
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Janković, M., Ćupić, M., Knežević, A., Vujić, D., Soldatović, I., Zečević, Ž., … & Jovanović, T. (2020). Cytomegalovirus glycoprotein B and N genotypes in pediatric recipients of the hematopoietic stem cell transplant. Virology, 548, 168-173. |
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Jakovljevic, A., Nikolic, N., Carkic, J., Andric, M., Miletic, M., Beljic-Ivanovic, K., … & Milasin, J. (2020). Notch–a possible mediator between Epstein-Barr virus infection and bone resorption in apical periodontitis. Acta Odontologica Scandinavica, 78(2), 126-131. |
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Banko, A. V., Lazarevic, I. B., Karalic, D. Z., Djukic, V. B., Cupic, M. D., Stevanovic, G., & Jovanovic, T. P. (2019). The sequence analysis of Epstein–Barr virus EBNA1 gene: could viral screening markers for nasopharyngeal carcinoma be identified?. Medical microbiology and immunology, 208(1), 81-88. |
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Janković, M. G., & Jovanović, T. (2019). Cytomegalovirus: A tale of resistance. Medicinski podmladak, 70(4). |
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Tasic, D., Lazarevic, I., Knezevic, A., Tasic, L., Pikula, A., Perisic, Z., … & Cupic, M. (2018). The impact of environmental and behavioural cofactors on the development of cervical disorders in HR-HPV-infected women in Serbia. Epidemiology & Infection, 146(13), 1714-1723. |
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Jakovljevic, A., Andric, M., Nikolic, N., Coric, V., Krezovic, S., Carkic, J., … & Milasin, J. (2018). Levels of oxidative stress biomarkers and bone resorption regulators in apical periodontitis lesions infected by Epstein–Barr virus. International endodontic journal, 51(6), 593-604. |
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Jakovljevic, A., Knezevic, A., Nikolic, N., Soldatovic, I., Jovanovic, T., Milasin, J., & Andric, M. (2018). Herpesviruses viral loads and levels of proinflammatory cytokines in apical periodontitis. Oral diseases, 24(5), 840-846. |
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Jakovljevic, A., Andric, M., Nikolic, N., Coric, V., Krezovic, S., Carkic, J., … & Milasin, J. (2018). Levels of oxidative stress biomarkers and bone resorption regulators in apical periodontitis lesions infected by Epstein–Barr virus. International endodontic journal, 51(6), 593-604. |
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Božić, L., Jeremić, P., Dimitrijević, M., Jovanović, T., & Knežević, A. (2020). Smoking, alcohol consumption and human papillomavirus infection as risk factors for oral cavity and oropharyngeal tumors in Serbia–A pilot study. Vojnosanitetski pregled, 77(7). |
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Radalj, A., Nišavić, J., Krnjaić, D., Valčić, M., Jovanović, T., Veljović, L., & Milić, N. (2018). Detection and molecular characterization of equine herpesviruses 1, 2, and 5 in horses in the Republic of Serbia. Acta Veterinaria-Brno, 87(1), 27. |
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Canullo, L., Pesce, P., Botticelli, D., Covani, U., Jankovic, S., Jovanovic, T., & Rakic, M. (2018). What is the impact of Epstein-Barr virus in peri-implant infection?. International Journal of Oral & Maxillofacial Implants, 33(1). |
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Karalic, D., Lazarevic, I., Banko, A., Cupic, M., Jevtovic, D., & Jovanovic, T. (2018). Analysis of variability of urinary excreted JC virus strains in patients infected with HIV and healthy donors. Journal of neurovirology, 24(3), 305-313. |
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Stamenković, M., Knežević, A., Knežević, I., Kuzmanović, I., Karalić, D., Milenković, S., & Jovanović, T. (2016). High-risk human papilloma virus genotypes in cervical carcinoma of Serbian women: Distribution and association with pathohistological findings. Biologicals, 44(5), 412-416. |
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Banko, A. V., Lazarevic, I. B., Folic, M. M., Djukic, V. B., Cirkovic, A. M., Karalic, D. Z., … & Jovanovic, T. P. (2016). Characterization of the variability of Epstein-Barr virus genes in nasopharyngeal biopsies: potential predictors for carcinoma progression. PloS one, 11(4), e0153498. |
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Karalic, D., Lazarevic, I., Banko, A., Cupic, M., Jevtovic, D., & Jovanovic, T. (2016). Molecular characterization of BK virus in patients infected with human immunodeficiency virus. Medical microbiology and immunology, 205(2), 185-193. |
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Banko, A., Lazarevic, I., Stevanovic, G., Cirkovic, A., Karalic, D., Cupic, M., … & Jovanovic, T. (2016). Analysis of the variability of epstein-barr virus genes in infectious mononucleosis: Investigation of the Potential Correlation with biochemical parameters of hepatic involvement. Journal of medical biochemistry, 35(3), 337. |
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Vina-almunia, J., Jovanovic, T., Pesce, P., & Canullo, L. (2015). Correlation between Epstein-Barr virus and periodontopathogen in periimplantitis affected and healthy patient. Clinical Oral Implants Research, 26. |
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Canullo, L., Pesce, P., Botticelli, D., Covani, U., Jankovic, S., Jovanovic, T., & Rakic, M. (2018). What is the impact of Epstein-Barr virus in peri-implant infection?. International Journal of Oral & Maxillofacial Implants, 33(1). |
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Lazarević, I., Ćupić, M., Banko, A., Karalić, D., Delić, D., Švirtlih, N., … & Jovanović, T. (2014). Prevalence and mutational patterns of lamivudine-resistant HBV strains in chronically infected Serbian patients. Archives of Biological Sciences, 66(2), 601-608. |
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Banko, A., Lazarević, I., Folić, M., Ćupić, M., & Jovanović, T. (2014). Prevalence of Epstein Barr Virus in biopsy specimens of nasopharyngeal carcinoma from Serbian patients. Archives of Biological Sciences, 66(2), 537-544. |
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Karalić, D., Lazarević, I., Ćupić, M., Jevtović, Đ., & Jovanović, T. (2014). Prevalence of JC and BK polyomavirus excretion in the urine of HIV-infected patients from Serbia. Archives of Biological Sciences, 66(2), 609-614. |
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Ćupić, M., Pravica, V., Lazarević, I., Banko, A., Karalić, D., Tasić, D., & Jovanović, T. (2014). The role of single nucleotide polymorphisms of cytokine genes in viral infections. Archives of Biological Sciences, 66(2), 595-600. |
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Karalic, D., Lazarevic, I., Knezevic, A., Cupic, M., Jevtovic, D., & Jovanovic, T. (2014). Distribution of JC virus genotypes among serbian patients infected with HIV and in healthy donors. Journal of medical virology, 86(3), 411-418. |
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Lazarević, I., Ćupić, M., Banko, A., Karalić, D., Delić, D., Švirtlih, N., … & Jovanović, T. (2014). Prevalence and mutational patterns of lamivudine-resistant HBV strains in chronically infected Serbian patients. Archives of Biological Sciences, 66(2), 601-608. |
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Ćupić, M., Pravica, V., Lazarević, I., Banko, A., Karalić, D., Tasić, D., & Jovanović, T. (2014). The role of single nucleotide polymorphisms of cytokine genes in viral infections. Archives of Biological Sciences, 66(2), 595-600. |
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Karalić, D., Lazarević, I., Ćupić, M., Jevtović, Đ., & Jovanović, T. (2014). Prevalence of JC and BK polyomavirus excretion in the urine of HIV-infected patients from Serbia. Archives of Biological Sciences, 66(2), 609-614. |
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Stamenković, M., Knežević, A., Kuzmanović, I., Karalić, D., & Jovanović, T. (2014). Distribution of Human papilloma virus genotypes in cervical cancer tissues. Archives of Biological Sciences, 66(2), 573-577. |
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Pasic, S., Cupic, M., Jovanovic, T., Djukic, S., Kavaric, M., & Lazarevic, I. (2013). Nijmegen breakage syndrome and chronic polyarthritis. Italian journal of pediatrics, 39(1), 1-5. |
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Lazarevic, I., Djordjevic, J., Cupic, M., Karalic, D., Delic, D., Svirtlih, N., … & Jovanovic, T. (2013). The influence of single and combined IL28B polymorphisms on response to treatment of chronic hepatitis C. Journal of Clinical Virology, 58(1), 254-257. |
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Banko, A., Lazarevic, I., Cupic, M., Stevanovic, G., Boricic, I., & Jovanovic, T. (2012). Carboxy‐terminal sequence variation of LMP1 gene in Epstein–Barr‐virus‐associated mononucleosis and tumors from Serbian patients. Journal of medical virology, 84(4), 632-642. |
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Karalić, D., Lazarević, I., Ćupić, M., & Jovanović, T. (2012). The prevalence of human polyomaviruses in urine samples of immunocompetent individuals in the Serbian population. Archives of Biological Sciences, 64(4), 1383-1388. |
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Ćupić, M., Lazarević, I., Pravica, V., Banko, A., Karalić, D., Naumović, R., … & Jovanović, T. (2012). The prevalence of the most important viral infections in renal transplant recipients in Serbia. Archives of Biological Sciences, 64(4), 1285-1296. |
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Lazarević, I., Ćupić, M., Delić, D., Stojković-Svirtlih, N., Simonović, J., Banko, A., & Jovanović, T. (2012). Complete genome sequences and phylogenetic analysis of hepatitis B virus isolates from Serbia. Archives of Biological Sciences, 64(4), 1319-1326. |
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Knežević, A., Aleksić, G., Soldatović, I., Banko, A., & Jovanović, T. (2012). Cervical human papillomavirus infection in Serbia: risk factors, prevalence and genotype distribution in women with normal cervical cytology. Archives of Biological Sciences, 64(4), 1277-1283. |
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Kanazir, M., Boricic, I., Delic, D., Tepavcevic, D. K., Knezevic, A., Jovanovic, T., & Pekmezovic, T. (2010). Risk factors for hepatocellular carcinoma: a case-control study in Belgrade (Serbia). Tumori Journal, 96(6), 911-917. |
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Lazarevic, I., Cupic, M., Delic, D., Svirtlih, N. S., Simonovic, J., & Jovanovic, T. (2010). Prevalence of hepatitis B virus MHR mutations and their correlation with genotypes and antiviral therapy in chronically infected patients in Serbia. Journal of medical virology, 82(7), 1160-1167. |
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Nišavić, J., Milić, N., Knežević, A., & Jovanović, T. (2010). The application of polymerase chain reaction in detection of bovine herpesvirus 1 in clinical samples. Acta Veterinaria-Beograd, 60(1), 39-48. |
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Šekler, M., Ašanin, R., Krnjaić, D., Palić, T., Milić, N., Jovanović, T., … & Ašanin, N. (2009). Examination of presence of specific antibodies against avian influenza virus in some species of wild birds. Acta Veterinaria-Beograd, 59(4), 381-403. |
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Banko, A. V., LazareviĆ, I. B., Ćupić, M. D., Knežević, A. M., StevanoviĆ, G. D., KrejoviĆ-TriviĆ, S. B., & Jovanović, T. P. (2009). Correlation between results of PCR and specific serological tests in diagnosis of Epstein-Barr virus in patients with mononucleosis syndrome. Acta chirurgica Iugoslavica, 56(3), 71-76. |
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Djuric, M., Jankovic, L., Jovanovic, T., Pavlica, D., Brkic, S., Knezevic, A., … & Milasin, J. (2009). Prevalence of oral herpes simplex virus reactivation in cancer patients: a comparison of different techniques of viral detection. Journal of oral pathology & medicine, 38(2), 167-173. |
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Andric, M., Milasin, J., Jovanovic, T., & Todorovic, L. (2007). Human cytomegalovirus is present in odontogenic cysts. Oral microbiology and immunology, 22(5), 347-351. |
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Djuric, M., Pavlica, D., Jankovic, L., Milasin, J., & Jovanovic, T. (2007). Presence of herpes simplex virus on the oral mucosa in patients undergoing chemotherapy. Scottish medical journal, 52(1), 28-31. |
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Knezevic, A., Martic, J., Stanojevic, M., Jankovic, S., Nedeljkovic, J., Nikolic, L., … & Jovanovic, T. (2007). Disseminated neonatal herpes caused by herpes simplex virus types 1 and 2. Emerging infectious diseases, 13(2), 302. |
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Lazarevic, I., Cupic, M., Delic, D., Svirtlih, N. S., Simonovic, J., & Jovanovic, T. (2007). Distribution of HBV genotypes, subgenotypes and HBsAg subtypes among chronically infected patients in Serbia. Archives of virology, 152(11), 2017-2025. |
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Marković, D., Mirković, B., Jovanović, T., Knežević, A., & Nastovski, T. (2007). The application of tea tree essential oil in dentistry. Stomatološki glasnik Srbije, 54(2), 106-114. |
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Jeremic, P., Dimitrijevic, M., Jovanovic, T., & Knezevic, A. (2006). P. 229 Human papillomavirus association with the oral cavity and oropharynx carcinoma. Journal of Cranio-Maxillo-Facial Surgery, (34), 191. |
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Nedeljkovic, J., Mitrovic, J., & Jovanovic, T. (2006). Influenza surveillance in Serbia: use of rapid cell culture assay. Journal of Clinical Virology, (36), S33. |
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Kuntić, V., Stanojević, M., Holclajtner-Antunović, I., Uskoković-Marković, S., Mioč, U., Todorović, M., … & Vukojević, V. (2006). Synthesis, characterization, and biological activity of amino acid derivatives of the heteropolytungstophosphoric acid. Monatshefte für Chemie/Chemical Monthly, 137(6), 803-810. |
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Lazarević, I., Stanojević, M., Čupić, M., & Jovanović, T. (2006). The role of PCR in detection of cytomegalovirus in blood and urine of transplanted patients. Acta chirurgica Iugoslavica, 53(1), 19-22. |
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Knežević, A., Stepanović, S., Ćupić, M., Jevtović, D., Ranin, J., & Jovanović, T. (2005). Reduced quantity and hydrogen-peroxide production of vaginal lactobacilli in HIV positive women. Biomedicine & pharmacotherapy, 59(9), 521-523. |
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Stanojevic, M., Zerjav, S., Jevtovic, D., & Jovanovic, T. (2005). Herpes simplex virus resistance to acyclovir in routine virological laboratory practice. Biomedicine & pharmacotherapy, 59(3), 135-136. |
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Knežević, A., Stepanović, S., Ćupić, M., Jevtović, D., Ranin, J., & Jovanović, T. (2005). Reduced quantity and hydrogen-peroxide production of vaginal lactobacilli in HIV positive women. Biomedicine & pharmacotherapy, 59(9), 521-523. |
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Perovic, M. V., Berisavac, M. J., Kuljic-Kapulica, N., & Jovanovic, T. (2003). High-risk human papillomavirus (HPV) types in patients with squamous intraepithelial lesions (SIL). European journal of gynaecological oncology, 24(2), 178-180. |
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Stanojevic, M., Papa, A., Papadimitriou, E., Zerjav, S., Jevtovic, D., Salemovic, D., … & Antoniadis, A. (2002). HIV-1 subtypes in Yugoslavia. AIDS research and human retroviruses, 18(7), 519-522. |
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Perovic, M., Berisavac, M., Kuljic-Kapulica, N., & Jovanovic, T. (2002). Correlation between atypical colposcopy findings and detection of human papillomavirus (HPV) infection of the uterine cervix. European journal of gynaecological oncology, 23(1), 42-44. |
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Nedeljkovic, J., Jovanovic, T., & Oker-Blom, C. (2001). Maturation of IgG avidity to individual rubella virus structural proteins. Journal of clinical virology, 22(1), 47-54. |
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Nedeljkovic, J., Jovanovic, T., Mladjenovic, S., Hedman, K., Peitsaro, N., & Oker-Blom, C. (1999). Immunoblot analysis of natural and vaccine-induced IgG responses to rubella virus proteins expressed in insect cells. Journal of clinical virology, 14(2), 119-131. |
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Milic, N., Jovanovic, T., Knezevic, I., Gadjanski-Omerovic, G., & Asanin, R. (1999). Examinations of the immunogenicity of the experimental bivalent subunit vaccines against Herpes simplex virus type 1 and 2. Acta Veterinaria (Yugoslavia). |
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Ljubic, A., Vojin, S., Lazarevic, B., Cvetkovic, M., Bujko, M., Bozovic, M., … & Kokai, D. (1994). Analysis of human trophoblastic tissue in diagnosis of embryonic viral infections. Placenta, 15, 231-240. |
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Bujko-Klisura, M., Sulović, V., Ovcarić, A., Marinković-Zivanović, V., Marković, L., & Jovanović, T. (1984). Rapid diagnosis of herpesvirus hominis infection of cervix and vagina before delivery. Clinical and experimental obstetrics & gynecology, 11(3), 69-71. |
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