Vladimir Petrović – pregled naučne produkcije

Rođen je 1973. godine u Karlovcu, a ratnih devedesetih doselio se u Novi Sad gde je završio studije medicine 1997. godine, piše RTV. Na Medicinskom fakultetu u Novom Sadu završio je i specijalizaciju u oblasti epidemiologije 2003. godine, magistrirao 2004. i doktorirao 2008. godine. Zaposlen je na Institutu za javno zdravlje Vojvodine od 1999. godine, stoji u njegovoj biografiji na sajtu te institucije, a od 2010. godine postaje i direktor pomenutog instituta.

Tokom 2009. i 2010. godine bio je i pomoćnik pokrajinskog sekretara za zdravstvo, stoji u istoj biografiji. Od 2020. godine redovan je profesor na Medicinskom fakultetu Univerziteta u Novom Sadu gde je angažovan na predmetima Epidemiologija, Metodologija naučnoistraživačkog rada u medicini i Epidemiologija zaraznih bolesti. Odlukom Vlade Srbije imenovan je za člana Kriznog štaba za suzbijanje zarazne bolesti kovid-19.

Analiza naučne produkcije korona influensera koju je sproveo FakeNews Tragač pokazuje da Vladimir Petrović u kategorizovanim časopisima ima 67 objavljenih radova, od kojih 14 potpisuje kao prvi autor. Podaci iz tabele i sa spiska odnose se na period do kraja oktobra 2021. godine.

Citati Kategorije
Ristić, M., Milosavljević, B., Vapa, S., Marković, M., & Petrović, V. (2021). Seroprevalence of antibodies against SARS-CoV-2 virus in Northern Serbia (Vojvodina): A four consecutive sentinel population-based survey study. PloS one16(7), e0254516. 0 M21
Kovacevic, G., Milosevic, V., Nikolic, N., Patic, A., Dopudj, N., Radovanov, J., … & Petrovic, M. (2021). The prevalence of 30 HPV genotypes detected by EUROArray HPV in cervical samples among unvaccinated women from Vojvodina province, Serbia. Plos one16(4), e0249134. 1 M21
Ristić, M., Nikolić, N., Čabarkapa, V., Turkulov, V., & Petrović, V. (2021). Validation of the STANDARD Q COVID-19 antigen test in Vojvodina, Serbia. PloS one16(2), e0247606. 10 M21
Radovanov, J., Ristic, M., Medic, S., Kovacevic, G., Dopud, N., Nikolic, N., … & Petrovic, V. (2020). Genetic variability of the neuraminidase gene of influenza A (H1N1) pdm09 viruses circulating from the 2012/2013 to 2017/2018 season in Vojvodina Province, Serbia. Molecular and cellular probes, 101557-101557. 0 M22
Ristić, M., & Petrović, V. (2020). Evaluation of the diagnostic utility of case definitions to detect influenza virus infection in Vojvodina, Serbia. Srpski arhiv za celokupno lekarstvo148(1-2), 100-105. 0 M23
Patić, A., Štrbac, M., Petrović, V., Milošević, V., Ristić, M., Hrnjaković Cvjetković, I., & Medić, S. (2020). Seroepidemiological study of rubella in Vojvodina, Serbia: 24 years after the introduction of the MMR vaccine in the national immunization programme. PloS one15(1), e0227413. 4 M21
Medić, S., Petrović, V., Lončarević, G., Kanazir, M., Begović Lazarević, I., Rakić Adrović, S., … & Hübschen, J. M. (2019). Epidemiological, clinical and laboratory characteristics of the measles resurgence in the Republic of Serbia in 2014-2015. Plos one14(10), e0224009. 8 M21
Ristić, M., Stojanović, V. D., Petrović, V., & Heininger, U. (2019). Evaluation of the diagnostic utility of the new clinical case definition of pertussis-experience from sentinel and hospital-based pertussis surveillance. Srpski arhiv za celokupno lekarstvo147(7-8), 443-449. 0 M23
Medić, S., Anastassopoulou, C., Milošević, V., Dragnić, N., Rajčević, S., Ristić, M., & Petrović, V. (2019). Declining seroprevalence of hepatitis A in Vojvodina, Serbia. PloS one14(6), e0217176. 1 M21
Ristić, M., Milošević, V., Medić, S., Djekić Malbaša, J., Rajčević, S., Boban, J., & Petrović, V. (2019). Sero-epidemiological study in prediction of the risk groups for measles outbreaks in Vojvodina, Serbia. PloS one14(5), e0216219. 11 M21
Kovacevic, G., Milosevic, V., Knezevic, P., Knezevic, A., Knezevic, I., Radovanov, J., … & Stanisic, L. (2019). Prevalence of oncogenic Human papillomavirus and genetic diversity in the L1 gene of HPV16 HPV 18 HPV31 and HPV33 found in women from Vojvodina Province Serbia. Biologicals58, 57-63. 6 M23
Petrović, V., Radosavljević, B., & Ristić, M. (2018). Seroprevalence of pertussis in adult population. Srpski arhiv za celokupno lekarstvo146(11-12), 641-645. 0 M23
Ristić, M., Štrbac, M., Savić, S., Dragovac, G., Ilić, S., Medić, S., … & Petrović, V. (2018). Factors associated with maintenance of human Q fever in Vojvodina, Serbia. Vojnosanitetski pregled75(10), 998-1008. 3 M23
Ristić, M., Radosavljević, B., Stojanović, V. D., Đilas, M., & Petrović, V. (2018). Performance of the new clinical case definitions of pertussis in pertussis suspected infection and other diagnoses similar to pertussis. PloS one13(9), e0204103. 5 M21
Ristić, M., Radosavljević, B., & Petrović, V. (2018). Pertussis in children under the age of 10. Srpski arhiv za celokupno lekarstvo146(5-6), 291-296. 0 M23
Ristić, M., Štrbac, M., Medić, S., & Petrović, V. (2018). Estimation of influenza activity in Vojvodina (Serbia) for five consecutive influenza seasons. Vojnosanitetski pregled75(6), 589-597. 3 M23
Medić, S., Petrović, V., Milosević, V., Lozanov-Crvenković, Z., Brkić, S., Andrews, N., … & Anastassopoulou, C. (2018). Seroepidemiology of varicella zoster virus infection in Vojvodina, Serbia. Epidemiology & Infection146(12), 1593-1601. 3 M22
Torumkuney, D., Nica, M., Nistor, I., Vatcheva-Dobrevska, R., Petrovic, V., Stoica, A., … & Morrissey, I. (2018). Results from the Survey of Antibiotic Resistance (SOAR) 2014–16 in Bulgaria, Romania, Serbia and Croatia. Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy73(suppl_5), v2-v13. 17 M21a
Medić, S., Katsilieris, M., Lozanov-Crvenković, Z., Siettos, C. I., Petrović, V., Milošević, V., … & Anastassopoulou, C. (2018). Varicella zoster virus transmission dynamics in Vojvodina, Serbia. PLoS One13(3), e0193838. 7 M21
Štrbac, M., Ristić, M., Petrović, V., Savić, S., Ilić, S., Medić, S., … & Grgić, Ž. (2017). Epidemiological characteristics of brucellosis in Vojvodina, Serbia, 2000-2014. Vojnosanitetski pregled74(12), 1140-1147. 4 M23
Ristić, M., Štrbac, M., Dragić, N., Šeguljev, Z., Dragovac, G., Ilić, S., & Petrović, V. (2017). Frequency and distribution of scabies in Vojvodina, Serbia, 2006-2015. Srpski arhiv za celokupno lekarstvo145(9-10), 503-507. 0 M23
Duric, P., Rajcevic, S., Ilic, S., Milosevic, V., Hintringer, K., Fabri, M., … & Rusnak, M. (2018). Hepatitis B Outbreak Among Men Who Have Sex with Men in the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina, Serbia. LGBT health5(1), 91-93. 0 M21
Potkonjak, A., Petrović, T., Ristanović, E., Lalić, I., Vračar, V., Savić, S., … & Petrović, V. (2017). Molecular detection and serological evidence of tick-borne encephalitis virus in Serbia. Vector-Borne and Zoonotic Diseases17(12), 813-820. 16 M22
Jovanović Galović, A., Weyer, J., Jansen van Vuren, P., Paweska, J. T., Radovanov, J., Kovačević, G., … & Milošević, V. (2017). West nile virus lineage 2 associated with human case in Republic of Serbia. Vector-Borne and Zoonotic Diseases17(11), 780-783. 3 M22
Ristić, M., Stojanović, V. D., Milošević, V., Radovanov, J., Dugandžija, T., Bjelica, A., & Petrović, V. (2017). Surveillance of influenza in the post-pandemic period in the Vojvodina, Serbia, October 2010-May 2015. Srpski arhiv za celokupno lekarstvo145(7-8), 387-393. 3 M23
Petrović, V., Šeguljev, Z., Ristić, M., Radosavljević, B., Đilas, M., & Heininger, U. (2017). Pertussis incidence rates in Novi Sad (Serbia) before and during improved surveillance. Srpski arhiv za celokupno lekarstvo145(3-4), 165-172. 7 M23
Ristić, M., Vukas, A., Medić, S., & Petrović, V. (2017). Reasons for non-immunization of children in AP Vojvodina, Serbia. Prev Ped3(1-2), 57-62. 1 M24
Petrović, V., Šeguljev, Z., Ristić, M., Đekić-Malbaša, J., Radosavljević, B., Medić, D., … & Opavski, N. (2016). Streptococcus pneumoniae serotype distribution in Vojvodina before the introduction of pneumococcal conjugate vaccines into the National Immunization Program. Srpski arhiv za celokupno lekarstvo144(9-10), 521-526. 1 M23
Heininger, U., André, P., Chlibek, R., Kristufkova, Z., Kutsar, K., Mangarov, A., … & Zavadska, D. (2016). Comparative epidemiologic characteristics of pertussis in 10 central and eastern European countries, 2000-2013. PLoS One11(6), e0155949. 42 M21
Kovačević, G., Jovanović-Galović, A., Petrović, V., Vinarž, Ž., Marinković, G., Brašanac, B., & Milošević, V. (2016). Human papillomavirus infection prevalence in female university students in Novi Sad, Serbia. Srpski arhiv za celokupno lekarstvo144(5-6), 300-306. 6 M23
Galović, A. J., Bijelović, S., Milošević, V., Cvjetkovic, I. H., Popović, M., Kovačević, G., … & Petrović, V. (2016). Testing for viral material in water of public bathing areas of the Danube during summer, Vojvodina, Serbia, 2014. Eurosurveillance21(15), 30196. 10 M21a
Petrović, V., Turkulov, V., Ilić, S., Milošević, V., Petrović, M., Petrić, D., & Potkonjak, A. (2016). First report of imported case of dengue fever in Republic of Serbia. Travel medicine and infectious disease14(1), 60-61. 6 М21а
Nedeljković, J., Kovačević-Jovanović, V., Milošević, V., Šeguljev, Z., Petrovic, V., Muller, C. P., & Hübschen, J. M. (2015). A mumps outbreak in Vojvodina, Serbia, in 2012 underlines the need for additional vaccination opportunities for young adults. PLoS One10(10), e0139815. 10 M21
Niciforovic Surkovic, O., Petrovic, V., Ac Nikolic, E., & Ukropina, S. (2015). Human Papillomavirus Immunization–Education programme in Province of Vojvodina, Serbia in 2014Vladimir Petrovic. European Journal of Public Health25(suppl_3). 0 М21
Ristić, M., Šeguljev, Z., Petrović, V., Ćosić, G., Milošević, V., Matijašević, J., & Nedeljković, J. (2014). Results of influenza surveillance during the pandemic and post-pandemic influenza season in AP Vojvodina, Serbia. Opšta medicina20(1-2), 35-41. 1 М52
Patić, A., Milošević, V., Hrnjaković-Cvjetković, I., Petrović, V., Šeguljev, Z., Stefan-Mikić, S., … & Đilas, M. (2014). Viral gastrointestinal syndrome in our environment. Archives of Biological Sciences66(1), 29-35. 3 M23
Hrnjaković-Cvjetković, I., Milošević, V., Petrović, V., Kovačević, G., Radovanov, J., Cvjetković, D., … & Petrić, D. (2014). West Nile virus infection in humans and other vertebrates. Archives of Biological Sciences66(1), 37-42. 1 M23
Radovanov, J., Milošević, V., Hrnjaković, I., Petrović, V., Ristić, M., Elez, I., … & Đilas, M. (2014). Influenza A and B Viruses in the population of Vojvodina, Serbia. Archives of Biological Sciences66(1), 43-50. 2 M23
Ristić, M., Šeguljev, Z., Petrović, V., Vuleković, V., & Dugandžija, T. (2013). The influence of sociodemographic characteristics of parents on immunization coverage of children. Opšta medicina19(1-2), 19-25. 1 M52
Nedeljković, J., Rakić-Adrović, S., Lazić, B., Kovačević, V., Lončarević, G., Kanazir, M., … & Huebschen, J. M. (2013). Measles situation in Serbia in an era of measles elimination (2007-2009). Archives of Biological Sciences65(3), 1169-1173. 2 M23
RAD, O. N. (2012). Odnos stavova roditelja prema imunizaciji i obuhvata imunizacijom dece. Medicina danas11(10-12), 315-323. 1 M52
Petrović, V., Šeguljev, Z., Nedeljković, J., & Ristić, M. (2012). Seroprevalence study in Vojvodina (Serbia) following 2009 pandemic influenza A (H1N1) v. Srpski arhiv za celokupno lekarstvo140(11-12), 751-755. 0 M23
Medić, S., & Petrović, V. (2012). Adverse events due to the immunization: Case report. Medicinski pregled65(3-4), 168-172. 1 M51
Rajčević, S., Šeguljev, Z., Petrovic, V., Medić, S., Nedelijković, J., Milošević, V., … & Ristić, M. (2012). Ongoing mumps outbreak in Novi Sad, the autonomous province of Vojvodina, Serbia, January to April 2012. Eurosurveillance17(19), 20169. 11 M21a
Durić, P., Cosić, G., Rajčević, S., Petrovic, V., Tomković, M., Subić, Z., & Dimitrić, M. (2012). Three probable cases of cutaneous anthrax in autonomous province of Vojvodina, Serbia, June 2011. Euro surveillance: bulletin Europeen sur les maladies transmissibles= European communicable disease bulletin17(1), 582-593. 3 M21a
Petrović, V., & Šeguljev, Z. (2012). Immunization Coverage in South Bačka County of Vojvodina, Serbia. J Vaccines Vaccin3(125), 2. 0 M23
Ristic, M., Seguljev, Z., Petrovic, V., & Rajcevic, S. (2012). Epidemiological charactheristics of meningococcal disease in Vojvodina (Serbia) at the beggining of 21st century. HealthMED6(7), 2550-2554. 0 М23
Turkalj, I., Mikov, I., Jovanovic, M., Brkic, S., Mikov, A., & Petrovic, V. (2012). Occupational skin diseases in Autonomous Province of Vojvodina. HealthMED2, 531. 2 М23
Medić, S., & Petrović, V. (2012). NEŽELJENE REAKCIJE POSLE IMUNIZACIJE–PRIKAZ SLUČAJEVA. Medicinski Pregled/Medical Review65. 0 M51
Ristić, M., Šeguljev, Z., Petrović, V., & Ilić, S. (2011). Epidemiological characteristics of hepatitis a in Vojvodina from 1988 to 2009. Medicinski pregled64(11-12), 570-574. 0 M51
Petrović, V., Šeguljev, Z., Medić, S., Ristić, M., Tomić, S., & Cvetić, G. (2011). Analysis of suspected adverse reactions following immunization against pandemic influenza. Medicinski pregled64(5-6), 305-309. 1 M51
Petrović, V., Šeguljev, Z., Ćosić, G., Ristić, M., Nedeljković, J., Dragnić, N., & Ukropina, S. (2011). Overview of the winter wave of 2009 pandemic influenza A (H1N1) v in Vojvodina, Serbia. Croatian medical journal52(2), 141-150. 19 М22
Šeguljev, Z., Vidić, B., Ilić, S., Petrović, V., Petrović, M., Ristić, M., & Prica, N. (2011). Trichinellosis epidemics in AP Vojvodina in the period 2000-2009. Veterinarski glasnik65(5-6), 409-417. 0 М51
Petrović, V., Miladinov-Mikov, M., & Dugandžija, T. (2010). Topographical analyses of lung cancer incidence and mortality in Vojvodina. Archive of Oncology18(3), 71-74. 6 M24
Ristić, M., Šeguljev, Z., Vidić, B., Petrović, V., & Ilić, S. (2010). Structure and distribution of leading zoonoses in Vojvodina in 2000-2009 period. Archives of Veterinary Medicine3(1), 63-72. 4 М23
Đurić, P., Stefanović, S., Petrović, V., & Ćosić, G. (2009). Characteristics of shigellosis outbreaks in the AP of Vojvodina. Medicinski pregled62(7-8), 308-313. 1 M51
Loncarevic, G., Payne, L., Kon, P., Petrovic, V., Dimitrijevic, D., Knezevic, T., … & Coulombier, D. (2009). Public health preparedness for two mass gathering events in the context of pandemic influenza (H1N1) 2009-Serbia, July 2009. Eurosurveillance14(31), 19296. 42 M21a
Novel influenza (H1N1) Vojvođanski epidemiološki mesečnik 0 M51
Šeguljev, Z., Petrović, V., Ćosić, G., Đurić, P., Petrović, M., & Ilić, S. (2007). Effects of the immunization program in Vojvodina. Medicinski pregled60(11-12), 553-557. 4 M51
Seguliev, Z., Đurić, P., Petrovic, V., Stefanovic, S., Ćosić, G., Hrnjakovic, I. C., … & Jankovic, D. (2007). Current measles outbreak in Serbia: a preliminary report. Weekly releases (1997–2007)12(11), 3155. 26 M21a
Petrović, V., Šeguljev, Z., Petrović, M., & Ilić, S. (2006). Epidemiological characteristics of tetanus in Vojvodina. Medicinski pregled59(11-12), 551-555. 4 M51
Epidemiological characteristics of avian influenza Medicina danas 0 M52
Petrović, V., Đurić, P., & Stefanović, S. (2006). Epidemiological characteristics of pertussis in Vojvodina. Medicinski pregled59(1-2), 19-23. 5 M51
Petrović, V., Miladinov-Mikov, M., & Mandić, A. (2006). Lung cancer trends in Vojvodina. J BUON11, 49-53. 5 M23
Petrović, V., Šeguljev, Z., & Gajin, B. (2005). Maintaining the cold chain for vaccines. Medicinski pregled58(7-8), 333-341. 11 M51
Petrović, V., Stefanović, S., & Đurić, P. (2005). Epidemiological characteristics of salmoneilosis in Vojvodina. Medicinski pregled58(3-4), 136-141. 3 M51
Petrović, V., & Miladinov-Mikov, M. (2005). Demographical analyses of lung cancer incidence and mortality trends in Vojvodina. Archive of Oncology13(1), 11-15. 4 M24



Ne, Fric fon Šolc nije deda Olafa Šolca

Portal Borba za istinu je objavio tekst u kome se navodi da je deda nemačkog kancelara Olafa Šolca bio pripadnik SS-a Fric fon Šolc. Međutim, ta informacija…