Verica Jovanović – pregled naučne produkcije

Rođena je u Kruševcu 1966. godine, a na Medicinskom fakultetu u Beogradu diplomirala je 1991. godine. Na istom fakultetu završila je specijalizaciju u oblasti socijalne medicine 2001. godine, a potom kao stipendistkinja Vlade Italije odlazi na master studije menadžmenta zdravstvenim ustanova u Rim, koje završava 2003. godine.

Od 2013. godine ima zvanje primarijusa, stoji u njenoj biografiji objavljenoj na sajtu Univerziteta Singidunum, gde je zaposlena na Fakultetu za zdravstvene i poslovne studije. Doktorsku disertaciju odbranila je na Medicinskom fakultetu u Kragujevcu 2017. godine na temu „Analiza činilaca upravljanja medicinskim otpadom u sistemu zdravstvene zaštite“. Trenutno je na funkciji vršiteljke dužnosti direktora Instituta za javno zdravlje „dr Milan Jovanović Batut“ i šefice kancelarije za skrining raka iste institucije. Članica je Srpskog lekarskog društva, Sekcije socijalne medicine, kao i Udruženja za javno zdravlje Srbije. Takođe, Odlukom Vlade Srbije imenovana je za članicu Kriznog štaba za suzbijanje zarazne bolesti kovid-19.

Analiza naučne produkcije korona influensera koju je sproveo FakeNews Tragač pokazuje da Verica Jovanović u kategorizovanim časopisima ima 18 objavljenih radova, od kojih četiri potpisuje kao prva autorka. Podaci iz tabele i sa spiska odnose se na period do kraja oktobra 2021. godine.

Citati Kategorija
Stosic, M. B., Sagic, L., Simic, D., Jovanovic, V., Rakic, V., & Vukicevic, T. A. (2021). Tuberculosis and associated risk factors among children and adolescent population in Serbia: 12 year’s retrospective study. The Journal of Infection in Developing Countries15(06), 818-825. 0 M23
Riccardo, F., Bolici, F., Fafangel, M., Jovanovic, V., Socan, M., Klepac, P., … & Suk, J. E. (2020). West Nile virus in Europe: after action reviews of preparedness and response to the 2018 transmission season in Italy, Slovenia, Serbia and Greece. Globalization and health16, 1-13. 11 M21
Stošić, M., & Jovanović, V. (2019). Tuberculosis control programme in Serbia 2005-2015: Results and challenges. Zdravstvena zaštita48(4), 25-34. 0 M53
Dente, M. G., Riccardo, F., Bolici, F., Colella, N. A., Jovanovic, V., Drakulovic, M., … & Kekelidze, A. (2019). Implementation of the One Health approach to fight arbovirus infections in the Mediterranean and Black Sea Region: Assessing integrated surveillance in Serbia, Tunisia and Georgia. Zoonoses and public health66(3), 276-287. 16 M21a
Matic, B., Rakic, U., Jovanovic, V., Dejanovic, S., & Djonovic, N. (2017). Key factors determining indoor air PM10 concentrations in naturally ventilated primary schools in Belgrade, Serbia. Slovenian Journal of Public Health56(4), 227. 5 M23
Matić, B., Vujanović, D., Dejanović, S., Jovanović, V., & Đonović, N. (2017). Correlating household second-hand smoke exposure and respiratory symptoms in school children. PONS-medicinski časopis14(2), 46-51. 0 M52
Matić, B. I., Rakić, U. D., Dejanović, S. M., Jovanović, V. S., Jevtić, M. R., & Đonović, N. Ž. (2017). Industrially contaminated areas in Serbia as a potential public health threat to the exposed population. Tehnika72(3), 441-447. 2 М53
Matić, B., Jovanović, V., Jovanović, L., Šerović, R., & Rakić, U. (2017). Insufficient implementation of wastewater disposal and municipal waste recycling in healthcare facilities in Serbia. Tehnika72(1), 137-142. 2 М53
Naumovic, T., Lakic, V., Jovicevic, A., Ilic, D., Milosevic, P., Stevic-Gajic, V., … & Todorovic14, D. (2017). New software for collecting data from the organized cervical cancer screening program in Serbia. Are we on the threshold of a new screening registry?–A multicentric study. A multicentric study. JBUON22, 58-63. 1 M23
Jovanovic, V., Manojlović, J., Jovanovic, D., Matic, B., & Djonović, N. (2016). Management of pharmaceutical waste in hospitals in Serbia–challenges and the potential for improvement. Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Education and Research. 9 M23
Jovanović, V., Jovanović, D., Matić, B., & Đonović, N. (2016). The influence of healthcare factors on medical waste management in Serbian hospital facilities. PONS-medicinski časopis13(2), 57-63. 1 M52
Šerović, R. M., Jelić, I. V., Antonijević, D. L., Adžemović, M. R., Vujović, Z. R., Jovanović, V. S., & Matić, B. I. (2016). Generation and management of medical waste in Serbia: A review. Tehnika71(3), 487-493. 1 М53
Naumovic, T., Jovanovic, V., Ilic, D., Rakic, U., Mirkov, D., & Perisic, Z. (2015). Performance indicators collected from primary health centres included in organised cervical cancer screening programme in the Republic of Serbia. J BUON20, 842-846. 3 M23
Manojlović, J., Jovanović, V., Milošević-Georgiev, A., Tesink, J. G., Arsić, T., & Marinković, V. (2015). Pharmaceutical Waste Management in Pharmacies at the Primary Level of Health Care in Serbia-Situation Analysis. Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Education and Research49(2), 106-111. 11 M23
Banković-Lazarević, D., Krivokapić, Z., Barišić, G., Jovanović, V., Ilić, D., & Veljković, M. (2016). Organized colorectal cancer screening in Serbia: The first round within 2013-2014. Vojnosanitetski pregled73(4), 360-367. 5 M23
Jovanović, V. S., Gerrit, T. J. B., Jovanović, D. V., Đonović, N. Ž., Jevtić, M. R., Matić, B. I., & Šerović, R. M. (2014). Development of healthcare waste management in Serbia and challenges in the improvement of the quality of healthcare services. Tehnika69(2), 343-348. 6 М53
Banković-Lazarević, D., Jovanović, V., & Veljković, M. (2014). Outcomes of the organized colorectal cancer screening program after the first year of the first cycle in Serbia. Zdravstvena zaštita43(3), 8-14. 0 M53
Jovanović, V., Crossett, S., Paunović, E., Šerović, R., Kuhling, G. J., Chandler, C., … & Bogojević, K. (2008). Improvement to the quality of the healthcare system: Safe healthcare waste management. Tehnika-Kvalitet, standardizacija i metrologija8(3), 11-16. 1 М53
